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No, I'm not not talking about dreaming about heli skiing in the Bugaboos or slaying the gnar in Gulmarg. I'm talking about about your nightly fantasies, those ski trips that occur when you are between the sheets, safe in your own bed. Keep it clean, it's a family forum but let's hear about your ski dreams...
I'll start, with what has to be my most vivid ski dream in a long time. Just last night, likely the cause of reading too many TRs on HR and not enough actual skiing. Oh, that and a good dose of Neo-Citran before bed. I found myself at this sprawling New York State ski area, with icy low-snow conditions. I think it was an amalgam of Hunter and Gore, though I have never been to either place. Crazy crowded and patrollers were ducking the lines everywhere. I gave a snowlerblading kid a lecture because he cut me off. He didn't care. I skied over a rope at high speed and ended up on this long easy trail that ended up in a construction zone. Bulldozers dozing, snow guns blasting, gravel everywhere. Somehow got through this and ended up at another lodge at a different part of the mountain. Very strange activities going on there, let's just say it was a wild, rather uninhibited party and it was warm outside. Knowing my place as an Old Guy, I knew that it would be best if I avoided the party, so went into the lodge to get something to eat, called Harv on a cell phone and turned out that he and JamesDeluxe were there, having some kind of meeting with someone. We chatted a bit and I carried on. Went back outside and couldn't find my skis. Spent the rest of the dream looking for my skis in this two-story, elevator-serviced indoor ski storage facility, all the while wondering how I was going to get back to the other lodge. By the time I woke up, I had seen many cool skis, including snowboards reminiscent of GaryWayne spoon skis. Except that they had all these cool hawaiian-style carvings on them and they were more objets-d'art than rideable snowboards. Then I woke up. OK, that's my ski dream, what's yours? All the best, SBR, slowly going insane due to lack of snow.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent"
Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian.
He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
In reply to this post by Sick Bird Rider
Well ... I'm just not sure what to say. I very impressed that you are so engrossed in your new job as moderator that your subconscious is fabricating a hybrid of Hunter and Gore. (I think I also sense some Jay Peak in that mountain.) I'm also impressed by people who can remember their dreams. And this one - so vivid! POTD - hands down. My dream = it snows and just won't stop. That's a day dream. I don't sleep enough in winter to get into REM.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Endless snow would be nice but wouldn't it be hard to get to the slopes? For whatever reason, I have very vivid dreams and usually remember them. I find that they often include little snippets of real life. For example, I had been looking at the Garywayne website that day, thinking about what it would be like to ski on those things. Earlier this week, I had been researching the cost of an iPhone. Sure enough, the phone in that dream was an iPhone. Not to mention the TRs. I have ski dreams only occasionally but experience them year-round. Often, there is no skiing involved. Something happens to delay the skiing part, or I wake up just before the skiing begins. Last night was a good example. There I was at the Middlebury Snow Bowl, never been there either but I've read the TRs. Except there was no snow, or at least not much. I was rambling around the lodge, which was reminiscent of the Base Box at MRG (been there), except that everything was painted the same shade of yellow as the picnic tables at Jay's Stateside Lodge. People were milling about getting their gear organized. I walked into the "ski shop" and saw a surprisingly large collection of Scott boots and Spademan bindings (Old Guys should remember these from the 70s). All for sale, in very good condition. Very strange. And, BTW, the snow situation is improving dramatically in the Hinterlands. The Lake Effect Machine has started.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
I have only a few snippets from this dream: Harvey44 is showing me and some other skier (perhaps Telemark Dave) around a very busy ski area. People are everywhere. Once again (see previous dream), SBR has misplaced his skis although none of us can remember if I brought them in the first place. Maybe I rented skis; it is a collective senior moment. Some little kid is helping us look but she doesn't really know what my skis look like, so is just pointing out random skis, asking, "are these yours?" Finally we give up and head outside, where Harv starts wondering about how we are going to get to the airport. I guess we flew there. We have spent so much time looking for my skis that we missed the shuttle bus. He resigns himself to the fact that we will have to take a cab.
Later on, we take a run with a colleague from work. In real life, he is a super-avid XC skier. In dream life he also snowboards and alpines skis. In the dream, I am trying to convince him to take up tele but he is already worried about the high cost of his multi-sport addictions. Hmmm. What does this all mean? Hopefully the ski jones will be resolved by my upcoming trip to Jay Peak this week. Stay tuned.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
So your colleague from work was actually concerned about rampant materialism?? Imagine for a second that he was into building up a custom tandem touring bike as a wedding anniversary gift to his partner.....!!!! Now that would be a pretty weird dream 😄
"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent"
Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian.
He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
Great ski dream this morning, likely related to the fact that TD and I were scheming about a possible tour/schwack today:
In the dream, I decide that I can't wait for Dave, and start out solo. I am skiing on my Sick Birds, with no skins, and somehow am getting nice grip and glide without any kick wax (I can dream, can't I?). I find myself touring along a woodland trail, in an urban park-like setting. It is snowing very heavily, pretty much whiteout conditions. My dream-self is trying to find a trail that leads to some nice hills we have skied before. In the poor visibility, I miss the turn-off and end up skiing through a suburban neighbourhood, across an empty schoolyard, down some street and over a bridge. There is enough snow that I can easily ski on the sidewalk. At the far end of the bridge, I encounter construction, realize that it is getting dark, so decide to turn around. While I ski back up the sidewalk, a police car slowly cruises by, checking me out. Whatever, I ignore it, and ski on. The cop car pulls in a bit ahead of of me, parks ON THE SIDEWALK, forcing me to ski in the slush on the street. I am a bit annoyed. The cop and some other dude get out of the car, chatting. It's like the cop is dropping off the other dude, who is not a cop. The cop, who is a young guy with unusually long hair for a uniformed officer, leaves his door open and walks away. Standing in the middle of the street, on skis, I make a polite but pointed comment about his crappy parking job. He gives me some attitude and walks away. Whatever, I ski on. I become a bit worried that the cop will tail me and follow up on our discussion, so I ski faster and duck off the street, back into the schoolyard. I get some nice turns down a little hill, then start sidestepping up another hill, realizing that I somehow have to get to other side of a chain-link fence. Fortunately, my friend (in real life) Tom appears. Tom is a chimney sweep (really, he does our chimney) and is driving around in his work truck. We chat and he helps hold down the fence so I can get across. I ski off. Then I woke up. Time to have breakfast, get out the Sick Birds and go for a tour. There is now about 4 inches of fresh snow on top of a (hopefully) firm crust. Could be good.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
So far a good premonition SBR...
He just got off the phone with me, as it turns out, my wife and I have some rare time together sans kids, so I passed on the scwhack this AM. SBR is on his own with his Sickbirds! TD.
"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent"
Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian.
He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
Several parts of the dream were realized. No cop and no sidewalks though. Full TR to follow. Dust on crust turns: ![]() Preparing to head back up. Dog wants know what is taking so long: ![]()
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
I guess this is a indication that winter and skiing is pretty well over....I had a climbing dream last night.
Strange thing is, I don't climb anymore. Not for at least 25 years. But apparently, I'm getting back into it, with a little help from S.B.R. My dream started with me visiting SBR's outdoor store to acquire some new climbing gear. SBR (in my dream) has never given up climbing, and has great product knowledge. He quickly shows me the selection of harnesses, draws, carabiners, ascenders/descenders etc, and picks out for me what I need. While he gets into a discussion with Beth, I agonize over the quick draw he has given me, as it looks very delicate and more suited as a key chain...He assures me it will be perfect. While he continues his discussion with Beth, I engage store owner R.S. in a conversation about joint pain and the benefits of is a short discussion as R.S. has a very short attention span. I am then somehow teleported to a huge red sandstone face somewhere in the South West, maybe Utah or Arizona (both SBR and I have spent time there...). The route is a pure friction one. When I finally get to the top of the mesa, there is SBR and Bluetoes (Mrs SBR) patiently waiting for me. SBR starts fiddling and sorting ropes and equipment. Bluetoes takes me aside and confides that there is a much easier route - a crack, on the other side. Next thing you know, we're in SBR's old house in downtown Hinterland. We scheme about tomorrows climb, right on the road to his current abode in the Ravenscliffe Hills. (This rock climb really exists.) He admits to secretly being a "new old school non-trad" climber. (okay, this is dream...). He proceeds to show me his horde of ancient pitons and rock screws.... After some more equipment fiddling, he says that he can drive me we scramble down the hill from his old house, we somehow end up in the city. (which is not so strange, as both of us lived there at the same time many years ago - and - he often gave me rides home from ski races..) The dream ended just as we get to his car - a vintage Mini Clubman. What does this dream mean? Probably nothing. Except that SBR is secretly a new old school non-trad climber! ![]() T.D.
"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent"
Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian.
He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
funny..i was fiddling with my climbing gear this morning. i'm in the mood for some nice mellow 5.4 ish Gunks routes..shoulder hurts too much to pull roofs..
"Peace and Love"
Scott Boots! I cracked a bunch of those in the 80's. My uncle was big into Scott Boots, and he's the one that got us skiing.
Yes, I do dream about skiing, and I do remember some, but not long enough for me to recount any now. |
In reply to this post by Telemark Dave
That is awesome. Actually, I still have a pack full of chocks, slings and biners left over from the 80s. Best offer? Even if I am no longer much of a climber, I feel that I definitely qualify as "new old school no-trad." Though I think I could still manage a Gunks 5.4. Gelsa, perhaps?
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report