If I had my way, it would never be groomed. Sometime ago, I brought 3 friends to ski Gore. I spoke of Rumor's headwall, bumps, drops etc for
years. We got there right after a grooming...

We skied 3 days midweek, there were not enough skiers or fresh snow to bump it up in the cold weather. Lost some cred that year. They ultimately came back and loved it.
My answer to dealing with the big drops that some folks don't like is not to groom them, but to fill them with blown snow. Direct that gun to fill it up, with ice or whatever.
I have had the same experience at Kmart with Superstar. Drove 8 hours to ski the bumps.....which were flattened. That said, like a previous writer noted, the next day, we had fresh new bumps. Kmart locals know how to bump it up quick.
Dont groom Rumor! Ever. Hello.... "Rumor"