Does Rumor get groomed?

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Does Rumor get groomed?

Headed down Rumor yesterday assuming that the conditions were right for my first attempt of the season. They weren't. It was a holy mess full of bumps and massive drop offs. I've been on steep before and enjoy the challenge but this was different. It was pure survival skiing. I was wondering if it ever gets groomed and I was also wondering if the Rumor is on par with whiteface slides as far as steepness and conditions are concerned.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

yes it gets groomed but not often. never skied the slides but rumor isnt anything like them. the slides are a long consistent pitch, rumor is just the 150ft headwall. the few times they do groom it are usually before warm days. they will knock the big whales down, then let it get skied into soft bumps. its a lot less work to leave it as is then have to groom it a few times a week to make it skiable.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by scottymac
scottymac wrote
Headed down Rumor yesterday assuming that the conditions were right for my first attempt of the season. They weren't. It was a holy mess full of bumps and massive drop offs. I've been on steep before and enjoy the challenge but this was different. It was pure survival skiing. I was wondering if it ever gets groomed and I was also wondering if the Rumor is on par with whiteface slides as far as steepness and conditions are concerned.
Rumor was awesome yesterday. You just suck at skiing. Take a lesson.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

I say buy another winch cat and groom it more.  Unless it is a powder day, I always enjoy groomed more than ungroomed.  Just my $0.02.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

Banned User
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
scottymac wrote
Headed down Rumor yesterday assuming that the conditions were right for my first attempt of the season. They weren't. It was a holy mess full of bumps and massive drop offs. I've been on steep before and enjoy the challenge but this was different. It was pure survival skiing. I was wondering if it ever gets groomed and I was also wondering if the Rumor is on par with whiteface slides as far as steepness and conditions are concerned.
Rumor was awesome yesterday. You just suck at skiing. Take a lesson.
That was rude.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

MC2 5678F589
Snowballs wrote
That was rude.
Sometimes, the truth is rude.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

Banned User
It was neither truth nor necessary. It's only purpose was to feed a fragile ego. Feel better ?
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

MC2 5678F589
Snowballs wrote
[something stupid]
Don't start this high and mighty bullshit, snowballs. This forum needs a morality police about as much as Rumor needs more gapers on it.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
I say buy another winch cat and groom it more.  Unless it is a powder day, I always enjoy groomed more than ungroomed.  Just my $0.02.
The bumps, chunks, and ledges are left to slow people down who fall. Groomed they would be at the bottom. It's a safety issue.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

CPTele wrote
snoloco wrote
I say buy another winch cat and groom it more.  Unless it is a powder day, I always enjoy groomed more than ungroomed.  Just my $0.02.
The bumps, chunks, and ledges are left to slow people down who fall. Groomed they would be at the bottom. It's a safety issue.
Never thought of this.  I still wouldn't want to get pounded into oblivion by icy death moguls from hell if I fell.  Wouldn't less people fall if it were groomed though?
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

This post was updated on .
If as Condor suggests, cost is the issue, then buying another PB600 WC ($350k) won't solve anything.

There are 100 trails at Gore and probably 95 are groomed regularly. Leaving Rumor ungroomed creates a wider variety of difficulty across the mountain, from Bear Cub Run to Rumor.

How would you feel if you were forced to ski green trails all day?

IMO the goal is not to turn double blacks into single blacks.  Save Lower Steilhang!

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

Banned User
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
Snowballs wrote
[something stupid]
Don't start this high and mighty bullshit, snowballs. This forum needs a morality police about as much as Rumor needs more gapers on it.
High and mighty bullshit ? That was you. Then you claimed he should take a lesson...... well, you got one. Quit your whining.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

Banned User
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
 Leaving Rumor ungroomed creates a wider variety of difficulty across the mountain, from Bear Cub Run to Rumor.
That and grooming Rumor is no easy task.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
Never thought of this.  I still wouldn't want to get pounded into oblivion by icy death moguls from hell if I fell.  Wouldn't less people fall if it were groomed though?
Sorry sno, I was joking :)   Like Harvey said in the previous post, it should be left alone grooming wise, unless there is a good reason to groom it.  There are other similar trails that are routinely groomed (ex. Lies) for those who want that sort of thing.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Snowballs wrote
Then you claimed he should take a lesson...... well, you got one. Quit your whining.
Haha, go back and read the thread. The only whining was done by you (and a little by snoloco). And I must have missed the lesson. Sorry you weren't clear.

For the OP, here's the longer answer: there are so few genuine double blacks left at Gore (or in the east), it's a shame when people start complaining about Rumor the way it skied yesterday (prime conditions). You have plenty of ways to know what Rumor is like before you ski it. You can see it from the lift. You can ski past it on Headwaters and look up. You can ski Double barrel, which is similar in pitch to Rumor after the headwall. Don't look at the trail, decide to ski it, then complain after the fact that it was too hard for you.

Rumor is one of the few places left where an expert skier can get a true challenge. The things that you are complaining about (drop offs, bumps, whales, tricky snow, etc.) are the things that make it fun. I don't complain about the things you find fun, especially on a public forum where too many negative voices might influence ORDA to make it another bland, generic trail with bland generic grooming.

The better solution is to recognize that you need to be a better skier to ski it, and one way to accomplish this is to take a lesson. Also, if you couldn't ski Rumor yesterday, please don't ski the slides. You'll probably make it down, but it won't be fun for you, and it might annoy the people on the trail who have to ski around you (especially towards slide out, where they're dodging people, rocks, and trees all at once - not hard, but kind of a pain).

The reason I feel so strongly is because I really like Rumor and I want it to ski just like it did Saturday all year long (until Spring when it's covered in sweet sweet soft bumps). Just let the people who can ski it ski it. And if you want to ski it more, get better. Don't call for more grooming.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

In reply to this post by CPTele
Ironically it is slated to be groomed tomorrow.  It only happens 3 or 4 times a season and usually a midweek only thing.  It is the only straight brook run getting the treatment.  A freshly groomed Rumor is still a very difficult run.... that upper headwall never gets ran over enough to not be a sheet of ice.  If you want to have an easier day on rumor go on days when the goat path is open and the headwall is closed.  

Personally, I hate when it gets groomed and people take their 6 year olds down it.  It is a very difficult run even when groomed.  If you catch an edge and go down you will slide down the entire thing until you either hit the bottom or hit the woods.  Either way... it won't be pretty.  I've seen it happen.  
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

MC2 5678F589
Footer wrote
Ironically it is slated to be groomed tomorrow.
Damn it.

Personally, I hate when it gets groomed and people take their 6 year olds down it.  It is a very difficult run even when groomed.  If you catch an edge and go down you will slide down the entire thing until you either hit the bottom or hit the woods.  Either way... it won't be pretty.  I've seen it happen.
Yep. Agree with all.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

i ski it once a year when it is sunny and 50 degrees with big soft bumps. don't see the fun in going over a frozen head wall.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
Rumor was awesome yesterday. You just suck at skiing. Take a lesson.
I thought you were too young to be taking dick pills.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Does Rumor get groomed?

MC2 5678F589
PeeTex wrote
I thought you were too young to be taking dick pills.
Don't need dick pills when you're a natural dick like me.