Sen. Joe Manchin's daughter becomes CEO of a pharmaceutical company (after fraudulently "graduating" from West Viginia Business school), drastically increases lobbying budget, FDA just happens to approve new guidelines recommending more EpiPens in schools, pharmaceutical company completes tax inversion and "moves" the company to the Netherlands, then jacks the price of EpiPens 400%, then this woman increases her salary from $2.5 million to $19 million. American capitalism, FTW! This woman should be in jail, but all of this was perfectly legal. And they wonder why people are pissed off. |
Disgusting. and there is not nothing that can be done about it. That brand epipen should be banned in the USA, There is another brand that will step right in. The President has the power to do things like that. Heck they could almost connect the dots between the daughter and father and trump up some racketeering charges. Any bets that douche gets reelected? And to think the Dems campaign they are for the little guy. POS
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
I just saw some speculation on TV that they thought they could slip this through because most epipens are paid for by insurance but since deductibles have risen so much, people actually noticed. Similar things have happened with some asthma medicines. I didn't know there was an alternative brand. Hopefully people can switch brands and these dopes are forced to drop their prices back down.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
You forgot one little tid bit: DEMOCRATIC Sen, Joe Manchin's daughter. The party that's running "Mary Poppins" for President - practically perfect in every way. Guess they'll use the new "Clinton Defense - others are doing it so it must be OK"
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
Right, because that was real relevant and because Democrats have such a high opinion of this guy (after he voted against background checks and the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, and spent a bunch of time suing the EPA because they tried to stop mountaintop removal mining).
Insulin getting drastically more expensive, too:
![]() The corporatocracy is killing people and nobody seems to care. |
The run up in pricing is unconscionale , as my son said to me yesterday ," i hope there is a special place in Dante's version of hell for these greedy bastards . "
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
Mylan the Epi pen company is a major donator to the Clinton Foundation and has been a partner in several projects with lying Hillary and cheating Bubba.
Matt since you want the Ceo in jail she could share a cell with Hillary.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
What a coincidence.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
In reply to this post by Z
Yea, and she's bashing them for raising prices. Looks like they've donated $250,000 thus far to the clinton foundation. It will be interesting how much more is donated now that they've raised prices.
In reply to this post by Z
Trump donated money to the Clinton Foundation. The government of Norway donated to the Clinton Foundation. Lots of people donate to the Clinton Foundation because they do good work: I'm pretty sure that those donations wouldn't prevent Hillary from bringing the hammer down on this company (or encouraging her FDA to approve competitor's products). If there's one thing about Hillary throughout her career, she's a slave to public opinion, and she'll always do what voters want her to do in cases like this. Fuck, she didn't come out strongly for gay marriage until opinion surveys put support around 50%, and she was too scared of losing reelection to go against the massive public support for the Iraq War. She's an appeaser to the voters, a diplomat to foreign powers, and a stone cold bitch to the press (for good reason). |
Exactly why she should not be POTUS She doesn't believe in anything except telling people what they want to hear and always has her hand out to peddle influence regardless if that issue conflicts with her core beliefs. She sold out the rain forrests in Columbia but peaches against GW.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
| might likewise say that Hillary is a slave to the people that elected her. She has as her core value to serve her constituency, to be the voice OF the people.
It's funny how fallin' feels like flyin', even for a little while
voice of the people. a better way to govern for sure
I ride with Crazy Horse!
If you guys would've said voice of the people who line her pockets I would agree.
So a good president follows the opinion of the people, if you believe that we would all be speaking German or Japanese and the US would not exist. One prime example, FDR - if he followed the voice of the country we would have lost Britan to Germany, we would not have been prepared and we would have lost WW2. A great president leads the country and only a great president will lead it in the right direction.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
Nope.... In a constitutional democracy, a great president makes leadership decisions based on his or her core values, makes an earnest attempt to convey the rationale of those decisions to the people that he or she is serving and then works to enact his or her leadership decision based on the feedback from those same people. An inept leader makes unilateral decisions and finds him or her self unable to enact those decisions when they're blockaded by the wants of the people.
It's funny how fallin' feels like flyin', even for a little while
I don't disagree - to lead you have to get people to follow and that requires convincing them to do so as FDR did. In some cases it takes a little slide of hand (like lend/lease) to do the right things. So I would say that your second paragraph is incorrectly stated as you are not describing a leader, inept or otherwise because he is left with nothing to lead but himself.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
In reply to this post by DrSkimeister
The problem is Hillary has no core values what so ever. She goes that ever way a poll today says and then tomorrow to whomever is going to drop the most cash into her foundation / pay Bubba to make a speech. She is for sale to the highest bidder. I abhor Trump but at least he won't be bought and paid for.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
So I think the answer to this question is to make your own portable Epi-kit.
Can be done for under $10 I'm lucky, as my Dad always use to say "Son, the only thing your allergic to is work"
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.