MikeK wrote
I think BFs usually come about a month after ice out, but the first batch aren't usually biters (not sure why, but probably something with their reproductive cycle).
I bet they'll be biting by mid-May this year. There seems to be some correlation to late spring/early summer rainfall as to when they disappear. The drier it is, the quicker they die off.
Personally I'm hoping to get in a couple trips before that happens. They can be unbearable in the BC at their peak.
I have always gone by the notion that blackfly season is Mother's Day to Father's Day, but the early spring this year has bumped them up, hopefully the end of the season will be cut back even shorter
The males hatch first and they usually just buzz you and are a general nuisance, the dreaded females are the ones that come out after about a week or so, and they suck your blood!
The females just started appearing and biting last weekend, but hopefully the hard frost last night will set them back a little.
Save the hiking for later in the season, biking at "Escape Velocity" is the best way to fend off those biting bitches
Gotta go to know