F-ing viruses

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F-ing viruses

Got a Trojan on my work lap top.  My company uses trend as virus protection and it does a crappy job.  This is my 3rd virus in two years

This one just started playing random Internet radio programs and commercials in the background yesterday.  IT says its a root kit virus.  Damm nasty!  Had to boot via Linux and running kapernsky now.  Found the sucker.

I recently got the iPad that I'm writting this on.  Do I need to get virus protection for my iPad?  Any suggestions of which one is best?
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Re: F-ing viruses

The only virus program that I ever liked for iOS is Sophos. Never really had much need for it either for better or worse. Good luck.
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Re: F-ing viruses

In reply to this post by Z
Hackers go after the big targets.  PCs get hacked way more than Macs because there are so many more of them.  Glory comes from bringing down tons of people, websites whatever.

The hacking of Apple/Macs is on the rise as they become more popular. NYSB is built on WordPress which is currently thought to be the best blogging platform - 30% of all websites in the US were built on WP last year (far more than any other) - and the hacking of WP is on the rise.

Apple products also have structural advantages that make them less vulnerable.  But not immune.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp