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Anyone ever use it?  Pretty cool app.  The free version is like a ski area trail map on steroids.  3D maps can be manipulated to see various aspects.  It's got the designated runs with a brief description.  It allows you to track your runs via GPS.

The premium version lists non-designated runs and common backcountry routes, shows gradients, avy zones, crevasse areas.  Tells you what degree slope runs are, if mandatory air is required.  A lot of information for planning purposes.

Crystal in WA is one of the areas on FATMAP and I got the premium version for my trip next week.  With so much acreage and so many bowls it's helpful in planning my attack for a short day and a half, might help me to find a few more untracked lines in bounds, and gives me a better idea of what areas are cliff-y and require extra caution.  While I'd never rely on an app for backcountry touring it does give me an idea of what's out there.  Staying in the base village for a couple of nights I might just chat up and buy drinks for the right people if I'm lucky, and a little knowledge might help me make a friend who knows what's what.
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We're these the guys posting off the map stashes?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Harvey wrote
We're these the guys posting off the map stashes?
I doubt these guys will be in business much longer. They only have a few resorts and the ones they promised updates for this season are still not available. If you go premium you are pissing away your $$s.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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PT, have you actually used it, or are going all 'Loco on us based on your internet "research"?

I can't speak to the accuracy or how current all their information is, but they currently have about 30 resorts, about half in the U.S.  

I've only downloaded Crystal, but it's pretty darn accurate and has some useful info/features.  Yes, I paid $12.99 for two weeks of premium.  After your having used the premium service I'd be interested in why you felt you pissed away your money.  I haven't even gone yet and I feel like I've gotten my money's worth.  In six hours of skiing Northway and Southback, with lift rides, traverses, hiking or skinning, and long runs.....I'll get maybe 8 or 9 descents if I'm lucky.  It's a huge area and the premium app has already helped me plan my routes and target lines I'd like to hit, rather than winging it while I'm there and potentially missing some good stuff.  $12.99 is nothing for that kind of intel, IMHO.
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In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey, not sure what you read that you think could be this app, maybe it is them.  However, at least for Crystal (and it seems like most of their other areas) they have info on high Alpine bowls and above tree line skiing, where there may be a few named runs or 'areas'.......but countless unnamed but visible and skiable lines to choose from.  As with any area, locals have given many of those visible, obvious lines names.  I doubt they could be considered stashes.  Think WF, where in the Cloudsplitter Glades there are several named lines/signs on the hill, even though they aren't 'on the map'.  Those aren't stashes, just identifiers.  It's not like the lines they have info on are secret, nor do they provide directions to out of the way stuff.
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Not sure but I thought I remembered a bunch of K locals getting bummed they were posting off the map stuff.  Not positive it was fatmap to be honest.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Killington is their only east coast mountain, so it probably is them.  I was wondering for an eastern hill if the info would be more stash-y.  Never been on the K town website.  I wonder if it's like Crystal, where FATMAP is displayed.  If so, get made at management.  Hey, locals getting mad at the info being put up kind of speaks to the value of the app premium.  Who wouldn't pay $12 for the skinny on the off map stuff? You don't get directions, but at least you know where to look.
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I'm getting this if I ski Killington after a storm.  Get to find all the secret stashes and hit them all day.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
PT, have you actually used it, or are going all 'Loco on us based on your internet "research"?
I read your post and thought this might be good for my trip this weekend to Tahoe, so I looked at what maps they had. Well damn few and those like Squaw/Alpine Meadows - NADA, Heavenly, promised it would be up at the end of January - NADA. They are missing the Utah resorts as well. Is it good, don't know, don't care - they are already breaking promises. Bad way to start a business.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
I'm getting this if I ski Killington after a storm.  Get to find all the secret stashes and hit them all day.
Just be careful, as blindly following data on an app is bound to not end well.  Inbounds lines you can't do much damage exploring, although you could find yourself bush whacking in places you might not enjoy.  You don't get turn by turn directions.  Like I said, I wouldn't rely on the app to get into out of bounds or backcountry.  This is where a little information is a dangerous thing.  No directions to the line, or back from the line, and if you end up in the wrong wilderness area on the wrong day.....people die getting lost in the BC, even in VT.
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Just downloaded the Squaw/Alpine Meadows maps.  Damn, yo......P needs to start rocking the angry avatar!

Hey, I haven't met many FREE skiing apps I didn't like.....and this sure as heck wouldn't be one of 'em!  

Sure, everyone might not want to spend the extra $12.99 to get premium access to ALL maps for two weeks.  I've already found it worth it for my two days at Crystal, and I'm only planning.  At Squaw the premium upgrade doesn't get you as much (over the free app) as at Crystal, but it still identifies more than a dozen non-designated lines, with information on degree of pitch and other notes.  The premium feature also gives gradient maps, aspect maps, and other info that can be useful.

But putting the upgrade aside.....how can you not like the FREE map?  For FREE you get a 3D topographical satellite map that can be tilted, turned and otherwise manipulated to view any aspect of the resort.  You can zoom in on the map.  It lists all designated runs and areas on the resort Trail Map, with a description and star rating you don't get on the resort Trail Map.  The app allows you to GPS track all of your inbounds runs.  You can use all of that for FREE, which I've found extremely useful in getting familiar with the various bowls, gullies and aspects of Crystal and planning my attack in advance, or you can flounder around with a paper map when you get there.

Of course, if someone was wronged because the app only has one mountain they plan on visiting, and failed to get another up in January as promised (for FREE), and ONLY has (the best) three Utah resorts.......I guess I can understand having an ax to grind!
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No ax grinding, just because I said it was a waist of money to go premium and that they don't have critical mass yet ( or ever ) doesn't mean I hate them. You seem to be very defensive on this.
Aps come and go. Free ones are great because you can throw them away easier than you can down load them. There is only one Ap in this category I have paid for and that is GAIA GPS. Been around for a long time and keeps getting better. Is it the best, don't know - but I know how to use it.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Defensive from the standpoint that you told me I pissed my $$s away when, in fact, given my limited opportunities to ski the left coast, it's been one of my better ski purchases ever.  That, and I go into 'thorn in the paw' mode when people make inaccurate generalizations in the process of telling me I pissed said $$s away.

Agree to disagree on the usefulness of the app.
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In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
snoloco wrote
I'm getting this if I ski Killington after a storm.  Get to find all the secret stashes and hit them all day.
.... you could find yourself bush whacking in places you might not enjoy....
This describes half of my first day ever at Killington. I kept following tracks into trees and getting into really tight spots!
I spent the rest of the day lapping Great Eastern and praising familiar terrain.