FIS decides shaped skis are dangerous and go back to 1993

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Re: FIS decides shaped skis are dangerous and go back to 1993

ausable skier
Here is what is driving this if you piece Ted Liegty's editoral together
the Austrians control the FIS
the only athletes not to come to the meeting protesting this were the Austrians
the only ski company that is not protesting this is Austrian
Austrians tend to be bigger bodied athletes because in other countries big guys end up playing other sports - US skiers like Ted are not as large as the Austrians
the new technique required to ski on these last century skis favors bigger skiers

The only ones who benefit from this change are Austrians.

There are kids that have never skied on the old crappy skis who will have to relearn how to ski - injuries are going to way up while that happens.  Why would anyone who has lived thru both ski technologies think that straight skis offer more control - this is crazy.

A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
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Re: FIS decides shaped skis are dangerous and go back to 1993

One more point that is not clear from Ligety's words - women were not included in the studies.
This is from

"Scientists at the University of Salzburg determined through a subjective study of 63 experts that the main risk factor was the “system ski, binding, plate, boot,” among five identifiable problem areas. None of the experts were identified and none of them were women as notably pointed out by Swedish star Anja Paerson at a meeting with FIS officials, researchers and athletes. Women were glaringly absent from the project and the research presented.

While the FIS contends that technical engineers can arrive at radius solution for women, the fact that women — athletes, coaches or officials — were so blatantly ignored not only suggests that the FIS doesn’t care about women, but also completely derails the validity of the research. Women’s views very likely could have influenced the findings, perhaps substantially."