Family Skiing, shared supervision

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Family Skiing, shared supervision

Hello Gore friends,  

Bringing my kids to Gore for this coming weekend.   Son 8, rips everthing Gore has to offer including any available tree runs, racer with podium postions at every event  this season, loves bumps and T-park.       Daughter 6, heavy blue (fast) and mild black skier, will ski  bumps and steeps when snow is soft.  Enjoys greens too, some T-park as well.    We plan to ski Friday, Sat and Sun.    We will be pond skimming too!  In seach of responsbile parents that may want to join up for a few runs and then split or share supervision responsibilities between us.  

Kids love to ski with kids.   Lets make it happen.    

I am PSIA L3 and have been teaching all day kids programs for over 10 yrs.  
It is more realistic that my son will join you than my daughter.  My daughter may join another person once she is comfortable.   She generally skis with and gets along with 8-11 yr olds because of skill.  Wish I could find more gal rippers!  

If you have a daughter (or son) who enjoys skiing with other like age kids,  you are welcome to have them join me for a few runs or more. Even if you don't feel comfortable skiing with mine.  I understand.    Free runs without kids can be fun.  

I am very protective of my kids but also trust parents once I get to know you.  Should you entrust yours with me, I don't mess around with kids' safety or security.    While fun is a priority, so is my responsibility, we follow the mountain rules and are very respectible to nature.  

Message me if interested in meeting up, we can set up a formal meeting time or share phone numbers.  

I have a place close to the mountain and plan to have a bon-fire Saturday night.  

Harv has met my kids (some years ago) and Coach Z can likely vouch for my son, we were in Killington together for a week at the start of this awesome winter.    

Anyone with ticket deals....message me too.    
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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

Wow,  89 views and many good responses.     As noted, while family skiing is fun and highly valued, kids do like to ski together too.     Posting this with the feedback I recieved gave me an idea I plan to float to our little mountain down South.  

Meet up zone....    A few well placed flags and signs.    Families or older kids simply hang out at x-oclock to meet up with other like minded/skilled kids to hang with.    Parents can meet each other and take some free runs.   Parent's zone/Grom zone.  

Probably won't make it past mgmt, but worth a shot.    

As a kids instructor, I know a lot of kids that would come skiing more if they had friends on the mountain to ski with.   Many parents too, put their kids in all day lessons just because they don't ski and want their kid(s) to be with other kids.    

Similarly, a friend instructor (works all weekend) brings his 3 sons up every weekend.   The "manny" (male nanny) skis with the boys.   Parents asked if their kids can join.   In addition to his hourly wage from my friend, the manny now clears about $100 a weekend in tips from other families for watching the kids.   No instruction, just some teenage supervision.    
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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

I:)skiing wrote
Wow,  89 views and many good responses.    
I'm curious as to what you expected. You're looking for people to leave their kids with you, or you leave your kids with them all the while not knowing each other.  Heck, I wouldn't let someone I didn't know watch my damn dogs. Maybe it's just me but that sure seems a little creepy.
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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

MC2 5678F589
campgottagopee wrote
I:)skiing wrote
Wow,  89 views and many good responses.    
I'm curious as to what you expected. You're looking for people to leave their kids with you, or you leave your kids with them all the while not knowing each other.  Heck, I wouldn't let someone I didn't know watch my damn dogs. Maybe it's just me but that sure seems a little creepy.
Haha, yeah, and I know he meant well, but it really just sounds like he's trying to dump off his kids on someone for awhile so he can rip around somewhere.

I'm not surprised you wouldn't get many takers for that.
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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

This post was updated on .
Just the opposite, 4 families responded so far.  I did say..."many responses"  

I won't get into the examples but there are some very happy folks that read this post and responded.  

And I am sorry that you cannot figure out if someone you meet and do some runs with is not trustworthy.   Most people can, especially at a place like Gore.     This is not the city...its skiing, adverse selection and all.    May want to consider trying to not be so synical, I know it is the end of the season.  Be happy, not so negative.    

Also assumptions that I was trying to dump kids is wrong headed.   Rather, I am offering to ski with other kids so their folks can take a few runs.   Perhaps both of you should go back and actually read the center part of the post where I say this.  

Best scenerio is I ski with the shorter legs and some other father/mother skis with the longer legs.    Then switch.  

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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

I:)skiing wrote
      This is not the city...its skiing, adverse selection and all.    

City people ski

City people freak me out

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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

Yeah and if anyone has a hot daughter in her 20’s who has unresolved daddy issues and low self-esteem I’d be happy to ski with her if you’d like. Just Email me at HPDfor sayin
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

Highpeaksdrifter wrote
Yeah and if anyone has a hot daughter in her 20’s who has unresolved daddy issues and low self-esteem I’d be happy to ski with her if you’d like. Just Email me at HPDfor sayin
OMG, I burst out laughing

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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
I'm curious as to what you expected. You're looking for people to leave their kids with you, or you leave your kids with them all the while not knowing each other.  Heck, I wouldn't let someone I didn't know watch my damn dogs. Maybe it's just me but that sure seems a little creepy.
Personally, I'd be fine with teaming up with I:) for some family skiing.  Campy, on the other hand, not so much:
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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

Adk Jeff wrote
campgottagopee wrote
I'm curious as to what you expected. You're looking for people to leave their kids with you, or you leave your kids with them all the while not knowing each other.  Heck, I wouldn't let someone I didn't know watch my damn dogs. Maybe it's just me but that sure seems a little creepy.
Personally, I'd be fine with teaming up with I:) for some family skiing.  Campy, on the other hand, not so much:
That's cool

I'm not looking for new friends any_A_ways....can't stand the ones I have now!!
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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Parents:   YouTube    #ParkCity50 - "The Next Generation"      about family, kids skiing together and ruling the mountain, no better it.    

#ParkCity50 - "The Next Generation"
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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
City people freak you out because of how scared we get hen we heard your banjo music playing.
I think it's a great idea and would be on that bandwagon if we were up this weekend.  Awesome to put it out there.  
One of the great fun I have had all these years skiing is making new friends with new people in new places.  In my heart it's another part of the culture of skiing that simply can't be explained to those that wander aimlessly around the galleria mall all winter like zombies complaining about the snow to anyone that will listen.  
My kids, your kids, we"ll hang soon around a bonfire with a few beers.  The deerslayer can chill with all of his friends that are hanging out in the shed by their neck in that photo:)
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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

MC2 5678F589
No offense meant. Just picked up the same weirdness to the post that Camp did.

And don't let these guys get you down, camp. I'd love to go on a woodchuck shoot/golf/beer drinking excursion with you.
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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

In reply to this post by Gorefarmhouse
Gorefarmhouse wrote
City people freak you out because of how scared we get hen we heard your banjo music playing.

Egads!!! Please don't pretend to know what your talking about.....banjo music , that's hillbilly crap. We're headbangin' rednecks
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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

To quote a great American philosopher, "Can't we all just get along?"
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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
I vouch for I skiing and his son.  Skied with him for week back in December at a psia event

I think the best route for something like this is to meet up and ski as a group a few times until you feel comfortable letting your kids ski with some other family.

Personally I want to ski with my son as much as I can as during race season I don't get to.  I'm guessing i skiing issue is more with the blue skiing daughter or the inability of the two kids to ski the same terrain  
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

I, for one, love skiing with my kids.  The more you ski with them, the sooner you'll be chasing them down the mountain!!  Also, one day pretty soon, they won't want to ski with YOU, so you might as well take advantage while you still can,
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Re: Family Skiing, shared supervision

Adk Jeff
Marcski wrote
I, for one, love skiing with my kids.  The more you ski with them, the sooner you'll be chasing them down the mountain!!  
+1.  So true.