First trip to Plattekill

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First trip to Plattekill

After hearing all the raves about Plattekill, I thought it was time I make the trip. Staying with family overnight in Phoenicia on Friday before hitting the slopes on Saturday. Any recommendations or tips? First Catskills ski experience for me.

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Re: First trip to Plattekill

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njadk wrote
After hearing all the raves about Plattekill, I thought it was time I make the trip. Staying with family overnight in Phoenicia on Friday before hitting the slopes on Saturday. Any recommendations or tips? First Catskills ski experience for me.
My work here is done.  

I heard the food at Brios is decent.

From Phoenicia: head west on 28 to Arkville. Right on 38 for one mile. Right on 30 for 5 miles. Left on Cold Spring Rd follow signs.

Do not follow GPS from Phoenicia. It will take you over the mountain through Fleischmanns. Fun if you have a rally car.

Take your time an enjoy. There is no rush for first tracks.

Ski every trail.

Spend some money on food or beer.

Look for this guy:

If you see him, say "Hi Sean, Harv says hi!" and then ask him what is good and what ropes you should duck.

Say hi to Laszlo and Danielle for me.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: First trip to Plattekill

Hate to be a contrarian carl (sorry Harv!), but -1 on Brio's. For the BEST food in the Catskills, point your car to the Cha Cha BBQ hut on 28 on the way back from Plattekill. Brios/Sportsmans/Whatever is all owned by the same people. It's fine, but not worth going out of the way for. There is also excellent food upstairs at the bar at Plattekill, better than your average cafeteria fare. Also, Ommegang on tap!

Phoenecia is a really cool place though. I dig the coffee shop across the street from Brio's that sells raunchy vintage tees and tasty baked goods, and have sat out there many times in the summer pre-tubing. It's just an awesome town. If you have energy at the end of the day there are stunning (and short) hikes within five minutes, and you're very close to the Catskill High Peaks.

Roxbury has some good eats as well, but only a few places. It's a cool little place too if you want to look around, as well as Prattsville if you want to do some disaster tourism (still not rebuilt from Irene).

As far as skiing goes:

The double contains the more expert trails, and the triple is more mellow. The triple gets huge sunlight, which can mean fast soft laps. The woods are also thinner over here, so think twice before following tracks. The best trail on that side of the hill might be The Chute, which is usually overlooked, but they are all worth doing.

On the double, freefall and twist are must hits. Overlook is a scenic jaunt. Blockbuster has the best steeps and is a surprising test of your ability. I have put a few people on it that were freaked out because they didn't think the Cats would ever be so steep, but the snow is usually really supportive and fun there.

Off the map, you may want to NOT ski off the back. It's a long walk back over and a few people have made that mistake!

Good luck, take pics!
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Re: First trip to Plattekill

I will be there with my girls Sat. And Sun. Ski Patrol bbq catered by Brooks of Oneonta right at the mountain Saturday will, IMHO, be the best grub you're going to find on Saturday night within 50 miles of Platty.  Should be another great weekend.
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Re: First trip to Plattekill

If you snowboard - look in your drawers for stuff from the 1990's and grab a snowboard leash...

They still will make you put one on - depending on who see's you..

Great mountain.. Stupid rule...  Not for the equipment in the 1990's but now...not so much..
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Re: First trip to Plattekill

In reply to this post by njadk
njadk wrote
 Staying with family overnight in Phoenicia on Friday (...) First Catskills ski experience for me.
You have family in Phoenicia and this is your first Catskills ski day?

For vittles, the Peekamoose on Route 28, between Phoenicia and Belleayre, is a favorite. If you don't want to go high end ($$) in the main dining room, hang out in the bar and try the pub menu and nice beer selection.

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Re: First trip to Plattekill

In reply to this post by njadk
For eating, the Phoenicia Diner on Route 28 is really good.  In Roxbury, try the The Public (a tiny bit upscale, but warm and friendly.)  I think the Cha Cha Hut on 28 (in Arkville) is closed.  There's pretty good food upstairs at the bar at Plattekill.  They even serve dinner on Saturdays, I believe.  

The trails from the double are more fun, steeper, and prettier.  But the coverage isn't always as good as on the triple.  My favorates are North Face and Ridge Run.  The long and winding Overlook is also fun.  The nice thing about Plattekill is that you'll be able to ski everything in one day.
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Re: First trip to Plattekill

In reply to this post by Jamesdeluxe
Shocking, I know. I've spent summers looking across the Esopus at the old Simpson Ski Hill, but never once been on the slopes. It's usually ADKs or Poconos (close to home) for me.

Ml- Ommegang on tap in the lodge? Sign me up. Marcski- not sure if I can stay around for the BBQ, but if you see a guy skiing by himself who's taking a bunch of pictures and looks like a first-time visitor, it's a good bet it's me. Harv- thanks for the suggested directions. I'd prefer not to beat up on a newer car!

Thank you all for the suggestions. Hopefully this rain we're getting right now in NJ holds off up north...

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Re: First trip to Plattekill

In reply to this post by Marcski
Marcski wrote
 Ski Patrol bbq catered by Brooks of Oneonta right at the mountain Saturday will, IMHO, be the best grub you're going to find on Saturday night within 50 miles of Platty.
+1 on Brook's, I skied Platty Saturday and Sunday, we stayed overnight in Oneonta Saturday, it's halfway home for me, I didn't care, I knew we'd be dining at Brook's! Have fun at Platty!