Forest ranger documents Adirondac plane crash site

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Forest ranger documents Adirondac plane crash site

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Re: Forest ranger documents Adirondac plane crash site

Benny Profane
Strange hobby. Makes hiking interesting, though.
funny like a clown
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Re: Forest ranger documents Adirondac plane crash site

Benny Profane wrote
Strange hobby. Makes hiking interesting, though.
Yea - after people hike the 46 they are still looking for stuff to do. Hike the 46 in winter, hike them all each month of the year, Hike them all in a single month, next thing they'll be hiking them naked
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Forest ranger documents Adirondac plane crash site

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In reply to this post by Snowballs
Forest Ranger Scott Van Laer has made it his mission to find and tell the stories of the dozens of plane crash sites hidden in the six-million acre. A New York forest ranger is documenting dozens of plane crash sites in the Adirondack Mountains with plans for a book for fellow "wreck chasers" and hikers.