Garmont AT Boots for Sale (New)

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Garmont AT Boots for Sale (New)

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I have about 10 pairs of brand new Garmont AT boots.

These are all rep samples. They were last years boots. I have them in sizes 27.5 and 24.5.

Selling for $250 a pair.

E-mail me for more info
T'was the night before Christmas, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...

"The Dog Pooped"
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Re: Garmont AT Boots for Sale (New)

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Re: Garmont AT Boots for Sale (New)

In reply to this post by JMP
These are the boots I have. They are all brand new with box. They are all Garmont AT boots, last year models.

Xena  24.5
Hydra 24.5
Sugar 24.5
Radium 27.5
luster 24.5
Daemon 27.5
Shogun 27.5

also have a new Garmont G-150 new.

email adkgear
T'was the night before Christmas, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...

"The Dog Pooped"