I think this is an entertaining and fun thread...that I am reading on the gondola while smoking my weed and drinking my beer @ 9am. My beer and powerbar lunch has a whole new meaning in Washington and Colorado...make mine a brownie...although Washington is not skiing very well(if at all) now
![]() I try not to offend nor be offended
Proud to call Gore My Home Mountain
Covid stole what would have been my longest season ever! I'll be back |
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
Stepping off my soapbox......
![]() I have no aversion to a drink or two at lunch when I'm skiing, depending on the circumstances. I'm on vacation. Ubu is a great beer. The Bloody Mary at the Cloudspin Lounge is the best you are going to find, anywhere. Responsibly, and within reason, I'll enjoy the opportunity to have one of those. Skiing by myself, hitting up glades, skiing the Slides....no, I'll save it for the end of the day. Skiing with my brothers or other friends, skiing easier terrain.....I don't think a beer with your wings is going to impair most people, even two. As for lighting up....I've never had someone do that in the gondola with me. That seems pretty bold, but I guess it happens, and could be considered offensive (unless they asked and offered). Lighting up on a chairlift to yourself...to each his own. Lots of places to take a safety meeting on the hill. Not my cup of tea to do that while skiing, but it's not likely to impair one's abilities to the point of being a danger.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
Well, do the math. How "hard" can someone possibly be skiing when the mountain opens at 9 and they are drinking by 10:30? And we're talking a very healthy shot of brown liquid and a big glass of beer. Can't people wait a little? And, really, someone slumped over a bar at 10:30 am when the chairs run at 9? C'mon. I mean, what's the rush? There will be plenty of time to drink before passing out time, I'm pretty sure. Go out and get some exercise and fresh air. How unhealthy. My ex father in law, RIP, had a great personal policy, which I am using in retirement - set a time in your day you will not drink before, and stick to it (and he was old school Irish). Mine is 4pm. I don't want to turn into an old drunk with too much time on his hands. The again, alcoholics have a way of rationalizing their addiction.....
funny like a clown
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
I love this thread. Everyone knows snowboarding and ganja go together, and I observe that skiers are fond of their drink. I have seen many a flask come out at 10:00 am. Smoking: go in the woods. Drinking: Make sure you can drive at the end of the day.
In reply to this post by Benny Profane
News flash....knowing what you are talking about before you open your mouth, especially when talking about addictions and labeling people, is generally advised. Not saying you are, but you come off looking like an ignorant, judgemental asshole. Just sayin'. Grew up around alcoholics, so I've seen first hand what alcoholism is. It ain't pretty, so forgive me for being sensitive regarding tools throwing around words they most likely don't understand.....
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
Pot---no personal comment as it knocks me out, dead asleep. Some friends say it puts them in focus, if that is the case, great. If it mellows to the point of being similar to drunk, see below.
Drinks: a nip here and there, a glass of beer for lunch---I have no issue for the person on vacation or trying to relax. For me, I push myself nearly all the time and embibbing would takes something away from that. I have had a shot or beer on that awesome spring day...when the slopes are clear and we are near the end of the day. I find it does relax me. Two would be too much, especially for deep spring mushy bumps. Drunks on the slope should be treated as such, removed. Hit someone and it should bring criminal charges similar to drinking and driving-while in an "accident". I have seen some crazy stuff at the end of the day...the perfect storm or trifecta a work. 1) dehydrated due to excercise, sun etc. 2) tired from travel, skiing, air/cold/heat, up late partying in anticipation of a ski trip/weekend. 3) drinks. This is the best argument for legalization of pot.....this person goes to sleep or is chill. Not a raging bull(guy) or rag doll-(gal) |
In reply to this post by sudsnbumps
Know quite a few folk "takin'" out by other skiers/riders, resulting in substantial injuries. I know how I'd react to sustaining a season ending injury or worse, as a result of being destroyed by another overindulging patron on the mountain. I'd go into another dimension of being pissed off. So far, so good, as I haven't been a victim of someone else's stupidity. Hopefully, this trend continues.
"Feets fail me not"
Banned User
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
Sounded to me that BP was referring to an incident he saw and it seemed markedly more intense that what you referred to. |
The question of whether skiing is the appropriate place (given the potential danger in the activity) is fair. It's another thing to start labeling people as alcoholics. How many of us, in our college days or young twenty-something's, or whatever....have never gotten together with a bunch of buddies and got lit and been stupid, even early? Doesn't make us all alcoholics. But he'll probably pull out that rationalization comment again, whatever that was supposed to be.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
Have equated skiing to driving many a time..even go so far as saying skiing (esp at WF in certain areas on the mountain), as dangerous as riding a motorcycle in concentrated are of NJ. If skiing with wife, one beer max at lunch, then sit for a while. If heading back out with my boys, many times think twice about consuming the one beer, again my max. Drinking and skiing the treeline or trees don't mix IHMO. Would like to be around for a while..not dead or in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. Your mileage may vary, as they say.
"Feets fail me not"
95% of my ski days are alcohol-free (until the lifts stop), but I see nothing wrong with making an adult decision to consume an ale at lunch within one's own limits.
![]() The hat thing, on the other hand, is just plain wrong: ![]() |
Hey, it's all relative. Most Mormons would consider me a whiskey soaked heathen. I just don't get mucking up your day with alcohol. I dare anyone to say that they ski better after a drink or two. If you think that, you're raw meat for the next DUI stop down the road.
funny like a clown
This post was updated on .
...and waste even more time stopping to take a leak, lol!
http://www.mwburden.com/misc/ArteJohnsonTricycle.gif (hit view image if vid doesn't launch)
"Feets fail me not"
Who cares. As long as people aren't intoxicated, why would it be a problem?
Intoxication while skiing and snowboarding, on the other hand, shows a lack of respect for the mountain, oneself, and other skiers/riders. Maybe I'm way off on this, but I don't think people being so bombed and/or drugged up that they're a danger on the mountain is a huge problem. I've probably only witnessed it 5 or 6 times in my entire ski life.
Can we get SOME snow? Please?
I agree with Benedict: Of the drunks I have seen, (usually 2-4/yr) they are happy mid-intermediates at best.
I have a friend who visits the bar first thing--to get her courage up. She then skis slower than anyone on the hill, is afraid of anyone around her and would never, likely, get into an accident with another person. The drunks I have seen are similar to her. When I say "drunks" I define that to mean someone who would not pass a sobriety test. I do see lots of men drinking on the lift. Not judging bc I have too. It may be their only day on the slopes. All of this said, I refuse to teach or participate or even ski the day our mountain hold: Police and Fire/Rescue day. An absolute disgrace to their profession. When I did work it or ski that day, more A-holes than ever, drunk and stumpling, rowdy, obnoxious, out of control type A as-holes. The trails and lift line are littered with beer and wiskey bottles. They all drive home following the thin blue line. |
I'm tanked right now and straight lining like a boss!!
![]() downhill skier get out of my way!! ![]()
I ride with Crazy Horse!
Pics or it didn't happen!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by I:)skiing
Said to ski patrol administering sobriety test........it's not my fault I can't ski a straight line, these damn shaped skis turn themselves!!!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by I:)skiing
Ha, I used to belong to the Staten Island Ski Club. Now, for you non NYC people, Staten Island is home to many a fireman and cop. This club was (is?) populated by many of the firemen and families. Madone, could some of these people drink. They had two season houses, one at Hunter and one at Killington, which goes a long way to explain things. Some could ski pretty damn well, but, every now and then a member would point out an older guy who was always weaving on his feet, but the life of the party, nonetheless, although his skin was grey, and say "He used to be an awesome skier", in hushed, mournful tones. It was creepy. Went on a long flight with them and another club from Virginia to Whistler. There were strong Bloody Mary's at Newark Airport for the 6am flight. Like a fool, I said, what the hell! That was a long, long day.
funny like a clown
these days I'm fueled by beerbuprofen and maple whiskey
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