Glen Plake

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Glen Plake

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My Wife gave me the latest copy of Ski magazine today, same old crap and is why I don't bother buying the shit anymore. But sometimes there is a gem. Most of the rag is crap but there is a nice (short) interview with Glen Plake. Hard to believe he is 50 now, have always respected his love for the small area and love for the sport. He's not sporting the do of the past decade, but he is true to the sport. I hope he can stay at it for at least another 30 years.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Glen Plake

Probably the skier I'd most like to drink a beer with. After a long ski to a couliour in cham.
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Re: Glen Plake

I've met him

He is a really great guy and awesome to drink beer with.

He is also the face of elan skis!
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Glen Plake

Banned User
I saw a vid of Glen once, he was on those 8 ft long skis, he nailed mega long air @ high speed, landed in moguls and zipped right through them at high speed. It was incredible.

His crew was clever. They toured around in a motorhome from ski area to ski area. When night found  them in between mtns., they'ld park a gas station, etc that was closed for the night, then unplug the coke vending machine and plug in the motorhome for heat, lights. True ski bums. Mtns comp'ed them lift tickets.

Dude's lived a way cool life no doubt.
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Re: Glen Plake

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Re: Glen Plake

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Glen Plake

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
He is also the face of elan skis!
Who cares?

Glen Plake rules. Don't know if you guys saw this over on AlpineZone, but there's a really good interview with him in this year's first issue of Ski Journal:
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Re: Glen Plake

Glen is a true ski ambassador.    

I too have skied with him a few times, once at Killington and twice at my tiny little hill.   He goes on tour of small hills now and again.    One day, he took a few of us out to play in the park with him, so fun!  Never a show off, really just there to give us a hand.  I felt he skied just above our level to make us confortable, but knew full well he could spring into "blow us out of the water status" at any time.      

My son and daughter both have numerous photos and signatures, taken at ski shops in the DC/Baltimore area.  I mention this only becuase we are not a ski mecca, yet he is there for the love of the sport.  

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Re: Glen Plake

Peter Minde
I only ski cross country, not downhill.  But maximum respect for Glenn Plake.
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Re: Glen Plake

Telemark Dave
Peter Minde wrote
I only ski cross country, not downhill.  But maximum respect for Glenn Plake.
GP would kill it XC... And be totally stoked about it too. That's who he is.  Skiing is skiing when you're a skier...

"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent" Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian. He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
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Re: Glen Plake

Peter Minde
Telemark Dave wrote
Peter Minde wrote
I only ski cross country, not downhill.  But maximum respect for Glenn Plake.
GP would kill it XC... And be totally stoked about it too. That's who he is.  Skiing is skiing when you're a skier...
+1 Telemark Dave