Gondola Ride at WF last week

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Gondola Ride at WF last week

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Rode the WF Gondi with the bass player from George Thorogood's band last week. Nice guy. My friend in PC used to instruct Danny DeVito and Cheech Marin at Deer Valley. Anyone out there bump into any celebs while out on their favorite mountains? I live in NJ in an area with a number of high profile celebs and bump into them often. George's  bass player is the first person I have ever met during a lift ride or at a ski area in the past 39 yrs of skiing.

Trivia question:  Who originally wrote the song "Who do you Love?"
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Gondola RIde at WF last week

Benny Profane
Many have ridden with Benny, but few have been allowed to touch him.
funny like a clown
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Re: Gondola RIde at WF last week

In reply to this post by Jon951
Damn spiffy!!!

I've been on the Gondi at WF with TJF, JackTheRipper and HPD---wicked famous people.

I've also shared many a chairlift ride w/Boo at GP---he's a legend

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Re: Gondola RIde at WF last week

In reply to this post by Jon951
Another instructor at Whiteface taught Jimmy Fallon a few weeks back.  There any many wall street heavy hitters that are regulars at Whiteface.

I used to have one of the Exceutive Producers of the Soprano's as a regular private lesson client.  Told some pretty interesting stories.

Eddy Money used to be a regular at Killington back in the 1980's and 90's.

My favorite interesting people I met on lifts were 10th Mt Division vets from WWII not celebrities in your sense but these guys were supermen to me and told awesome stories.  When I worked at Pico there were a bunch of them there that would ski every day in their 80's.  Those old guys could rip.  Not many of them left anymore I don't think.  These guys single handledly created the ski industry as we know it today.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Gondola RIde at WF last week

Coach Z wrote
My favorite interesting people I met on lifts were 10th Mt Division vets from WWII not celebrities in your sense but these guys were supermen to me and told awesome stories.  When I worked at Pico there were a bunch of them there that would ski every day in their 80's.  Those old guys could rip.  Not many of them left anymore I don't think.  These guys single handledly created the ski industry as we know it today.
I love them all!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Gondola RIde at WF last week

In reply to this post by Benny Profane
Benny Profane wrote
Many have ridden with Benny, but few have been allowed to touch him.

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Gondola RIde at WF last week

couple weeks back I was sitting right across from Sep and he says to me, did you ever think you would be @ WF on the gondi w/ the North American heavyweight champ of the world?  Polish guy, already forget his name...  someone please remind me.  he visits WF often.

also met Bodie Miller when WF hosted the NorAms in 2003, I think it was 2003...  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Gondola RIde at WF last week

I think you might be talking about Tomasz Adamek.
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Re: Gondola RIde at WF last week

In reply to this post by Z

I've met a number of "heavy hitters" apres ski at the Cottage, a number of them locals from LP. I saw Tommy Moe and Picaboo Street at WF during a downhill event a few years back. Nice to hear Fallon showed up. I would love to get stuck on one of the lifts sitting next to him. Funny guy. Stevie VAn Zant lives minutes from my home. Don't know who the EP of the Sopranos is. Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Queen Latifa, Jack Ford, and Brian Williams live minutes away from me as well. Geroldo (sp?) moved. One of my close friends worked for him for years.
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Gondola Ride at WF last week

In reply to this post by Jon951
Jon951 wrote
Who originally wrote the song "Who do you Love?"
Bo Diddley

George Thorogood was the first club show I ever attended (1980). Borrowed someone's ID and made it into Club 37 in North Syracuse.
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Re: Gondola Ride at WF last week

Noah John
In reply to this post by Jon951
I rode the Gondi with Pat from Standish.  He didn't say much.  That was kinda cool.
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Re: Gondola Ride at WF last week

In reply to this post by Jamesdeluxe

Bo D is correct. Ronnie Hawkins sang this song in The Last Waltz with The Band leading me to think maybe he wrote it, but not the case.
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Gondola RIde at WF last week

In reply to this post by BigK75
BigK75 wrote
I think you might be talking about Tomasz Adamek.
Tomasz!!!  Tomasz!!

Thx Big K!  

When is your crew coming again?
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Gondola Ride at WF last week

In reply to this post by Noah John
Noah John wrote
I rode the Gondi with Pat from Standish.  He didn't say much.  That was kinda cool.
Pat doesn't talk to strangers!!!  HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAA
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Gondola Ride at WF last week

Peter Minde
The closest I've come to celebrities?  Ellen and I saw then-Governor George Pataki having dinner in the Lake Placid Brewpub, with several state troopers watching over him.  Pataki quite liked the Adirondacks as I remember.
What about the I saw Andy Warhol in NYC, does that count?
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Re: Gondola Ride at WF last week

In reply to this post by Noah John
Noah John wrote
I rode the Gondi with Pat from Standish.  He didn't say much.  That was kinda cool.
That's amazing. There's a Pat that lives in Virgil and he doesn't say much either.
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Re: Gondola RIde at WF last week

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
BigK75 wrote
I think you might be talking about Tomasz Adamek.
Tomasz!!!  Tomasz!!

Thx Big K!  

When is your crew coming again?
Hi ScottyJack:

We were there this past weekend from Thursday night to Tuesday afternoon.  I posted on the forum the day before we left but probably no one saw it. No worries I will be back in two weekends from now and this time I am bringing 7 other guys to enjoy the awesomeness that is Whiteface.  

We went to the restaurant you suggested last year.  Liquids and Solids.  It was fantastic.  I have to post a review of our holiday.  Needless to say we had an incredible time as usual.  :)

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Re: Gondola Ride at WF last week

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
That's pretty Larry!!
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Re: Gondola Ride at WF last week

I haven't met anyone at a ski area but my brother met Jack Nicklaus at Vail several years ago.

 I have met a few at the golf club I work at...Jim Boeheim, Daryl Gross, Floyd Little, Dwight Freeney, James Dodson, Dennis Quaid, Rob Brown (he played Ernie Davis in "The Express") and I met President Clinton at the previous club I worked at. One of my members commented that Clinton "stared into my eyes and made me feel like the only person on earth!" Funny...when he shook my hand he never looked at me but was staring over my shoulder at all of the women arriving from the course after their guest day shotgun.
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Re: Gondola RIde at WF last week

In reply to this post by BigK75
would that be the weekend of 3/2?  if so, I believe CampGreekPeak is here as well....
I ride with Crazy Horse!