Gore/Belleayre Travel Time

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Gore/Belleayre Travel Time

Can anyone tell me the best route from North Creek to Belleayre and what the travel time is?
Many thanks...
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Re: Gore/Belleayre Travel Time

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That is REALLY a tossup.

I've made the trip several times from Plattekill to Gore and just go up Route 30 all the way, and it may be a toss up from there. I'm pretty sure if you go from Belle it would tell you to head out to 87 via Route 28 and Route 32 and go the normal way.

Travel time about 3 hours and 10 mins either way. Route 30 can be a little confusing if you have never done it before so that may be something to consider.

Another thing to consider... Do NOT exceed the speed limit on Route 28 by more than 3-5 mph. You will get a ticket.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore/Belleayre Travel Time

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Re: Gore/Belleayre Travel Time

In reply to this post by Harvey
You can also go 90mph on 87!!!
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Re: Gore/Belleayre Travel Time

Lateski wrote
You can also go 90mph on 87!!!
What do you think the top safe speed is on the Thruway?  I tend to keep it at about 79 -- I figure if I am not 15mph over the limit, I'm not getting pulled over.

What kills me is the two lane situation.  How many times are we all lined up in the left lane behind someone doing 65.

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Re: Gore/Belleayre Travel Time

Petronio wrote
Lateski wrote
You can also go 90mph on 87!!!
What do you think the top safe speed is on the Thruway?  I tend to keep it at about 79 -- I figure if I am not 15mph over the limit, I'm not getting pulled over.

What kills me is the two lane situation.  How many times are we all lined up in the left lane behind someone doing 65.

If you're going to do that, get the WAZE app on your smartphone.

If you're all alone doing 79, especially at night, a Trooper WILL pull you over. Doing 74 at those times is wiser. During the day, you can see where Smokey might be hiding up ahead and really push it if you see clear sailing.

Chase the rabbit. Don't be the rabbit.

I think those left-lane bandits doing 65 think they're self-appointed speed enforcers. They can eat a bag of dicks.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Gore/Belleayre Travel Time

Spongeworthy wrote
If you're going to do that, get the WAZE app on your smartphone.

That is a GREAT app! I used it last year when I drove to Florida. Saved me quite a few times...
Spongeworthy wrote
I think those left-lane bandits doing 65 think they're self-appointed speed enforcers. They can eat a bag of dicks.
This is my biggest pet peeve! There are many days during my commute in the golf season that I pass more cars on the right than the left!!
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Re: Gore/Belleayre Travel Time

In Europe (Spain) trucks are not allowed in the left lane of a 2 lane road..I can't tell you how many times I have to pass a truck on the right on the Thruway..

Got pulled over doing 90 coming down from Bing..Cop let me off with broken taillight ticket..If your nice to them , they dent to do the same..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Gore/Belleayre Travel Time

In reply to this post by pro2860
pro2860 wrote
Spongeworthy wrote
I think those left-lane bandits doing 65 think they're self-appointed speed enforcers. They can eat a bag of dicks.
This is my biggest pet peeve! There are many days during my commute in the golf season that I pass more cars on the right than the left!!
My motto is, everyone going slower than me is an idiot, and everyone going faster than me is a maniac.

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Re: Gore/Belleayre Travel Time

The western route will take you by Plattekill in case you were wondering where it was.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.