Gore Mountain: 01/24/2015

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Gore Mountain: 01/24/2015

Adk Jeff
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Re: Gore Mountain: 01/24/2015

Nice report Jeff. Mine was a bit of a toss away hoping others would chime in.

The snow of Rumor was weird, wet but awesome.

Still can't get GapeIntyre out of my head!

I dig the nordic love too.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Mountain: 01/24/2015

MC2 5678F589
I got up around noon, skied Rumor 10 times until I lost the sun, then hit Topridge 3 times until they closed it.

Snow on Rumor was a little wet (and some spots were down to bare rock) but nice to be back on that bad boy again. Steep bumps and challenging conditions are why I come to the mountain.

Then I skied about halfway to Raquette Falls on Sunday. Fun weekend. Should be even better next weekend.
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Re: Gore Mountain: 01/24/2015

That's a sweet shot!

What's the ski to Racquette Falls like?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Mountain: 01/24/2015

MC2 5678F589
Up and down, fun, insanely quiet. I didn't go all the way (because I was by myself and didn't bring any food with me), but it was a pretty beautiful ski.
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Re: Gore Mountain: 01/24/2015

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
Still can't get GapeIntyre out of my head!
When it's good we still call it Upper Newton's, when it sucks it's GapeIntyre.  Haven't come up with alternate nomenclature yet for the glade formerly known as Nugget.