Gore Mountain, NY: Xmas Day 2017

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Gore Mountain, NY: Xmas Day 2017

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Woke up at 5:45 in my Catskills hut in Hobart.
Thanks Santa!

The drive up via 10, 30 & 8 was pretty gnarly. “Maybe I should just go to Windham,” I thought.
Gnarly drive

Got to Gore just after 9. Still snowing a bit, looks like they got about 6”. Not too crowded. The drive immediately faded away and I was skiing powder with my buddy AK.

There was even a little sun.
The sun even poked out a few times.

Chatterbox trees.
Chatterbox Glade was open. Other glades, though closed, might have been skiable and pretty good ;).


Lies headwall was a sheet of ice but fun just the same.

My Voile Superchargers were in their element.


Aaron’s Atomics handled the chopped pow with aplomb.

The true meaning of Jewish Christmas.

The true meaning of Jewish Christmas.
Click on Catskills Freeheel to visit my blog!  
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Re: Gore Mountain, NY: Xmas Day 2017

This post was updated on .
Sweet!  Good call.

Always good when your people score on Christmas.  Thanks for the report! I call classic!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Mountain, NY: Xmas Day 2017

In reply to this post by CatskillsFreeheel
Your fortune has been our mantra for the longest time. And we try to cary that in our videos...  Gore is VERY creamy... We need to get back there and ski some of those woods.
The family that skis together, stays together.

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Re: Gore Mountain, NY: Xmas Day 2017

Thanks for the great post.  It was truly a Christmas miracle skiing with you all day in the ADK powdah!  I had the opportunity to ski the AM with Harv on Friday nd Cleatus on Saturday.  Woods are all open.  Gore is spectacular!  Best Christmas present ever!

Harv was kind enough to get a shot of me looking like I knew what I was doing in Tahawas.  Thank you sir!
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Re: Gore Mountain, NY: Xmas Day 2017

MC2 5678F589
Damn, that does look good.