Gore Mountain's New Ratnik Sky Giants

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Gore Mountain's New Ratnik Sky Giants

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22 of the new Ratnik Ski Giants have arrived and been installed on Showcase.

They are running at this moment:

Props to Mike and the crew.  As previously mentioned, the bridge loans and paperwork required on the reimbursable grant required a lot of finesse, and the whole summer upgrade and maintenance schedule was pretty hectic.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Mountain's New Ratnik Sky Giants

Banned User
Pretty cool.

It's been cold since Harv took that pic so we have a good opportunity to observe and learn how well those Ratniks work.....Showcase open by Wednesday?

With 30 of them installed on Showcase, that's more than one per each lift tower on Showcase proper.

Sweet they completed the whole length of the trail, job done, mission complete.
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Re: Gore Mountain's New Ratnik Sky Giants

Nicky Z
they had Showcase open all the way to 3B, it was thin and pretty sketchy but it was open.
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Re: Gore Mountain's New Ratnik Sky Giants

the snow on the lower half of showcase was very chattery, but the coverage wasn't bad.
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Re: Gore Mountain's New Ratnik Sky Giants

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Snowballs wrote
Pretty cool.

It's been cold since Harv took that pic so we have a good opportunity to observe and learn how well those Ratniks work.....Showcase open by Wednesday?
The photo Harv posted above came in a press release from Gore on Friday afternoon.  I assume the photo was taken earlier that same day.  Here's a view from further down the trail (at the junction with Lower Sleighride) Monday morning (yesterday):

We didn't actually ski that lower portion of Showcase because we headed down Sleighride each time, but the upper portion of Showcase was great.  Heard that the lower half was sketchy, as mentioned above, but it was impressive to me that the snowmaking crew got the trail open top-to-bottom as quickly as they did.