Gore Mtn, NY: 4/8/11

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Gore Mtn, NY: 4/8/11

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Ski Day 33: It wasn't hard to tell I was excited.  I mean I tried to come as late as I could....

...but I was WAY early...

It wasn't busy at opening...

The cord was pretty firm at 8:30, but you could slice it.

Eventually everything softened and it was game on...

I had expert guidance on what to hit...

I skied bell-to-bell, had a few beers on the deck with Perilous Paul and Russ...

...and then I closed the place.  Great day.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Mtn, NY: 3/8/11

Man - you lucky.
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Re: Gore Mtn, NY: 4/8/11

Funky Polak
In reply to this post by Harvey
Looks very lonely... You poor man.