Gore Mtn - Saturday 1/21/12

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Gore Mtn - Saturday 1/21/12

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Today was exciting because it was snowing lightly until around 2pm. There was about 2-3 inches by the time it stopped. It was around 10 degrees with zero wind, but it felt colder than 10 degrees normally does.

Gondola Open

I went up to the upper mountain and found what could be called first tracks on Hawkeye, Lies, Santonini, and Headwaters. After a few runs I was skiing on very hard trails with fresh snow in spots. Chatiemac and Lower Darby had tracks but were closed.

Hawkeye First Tracks

Rocky Double Barrel

Low clouds from Cloud

The Lies headwall was ice and marked with orange discs. Below the headwall skied well for a few runs.

Looking down Lies just below the headwall

After skiing got scraped on the upper mountain I decided to head over to Burnt Ridge. Twister was closed for a race camp so it was going to be a cross country ski run on Cedars. It was well worth it. Conditions on Sagamore were mostly powdery with some hard pack. The guns were going all day in various spots on Sagamore.

Sagamore Snowstorm

Low E Weaponry

I grabbed some lunch at 11 and then was back out to ski Showcase, Lower Sleighride and Quicksilver. There was snowmaking on all of Sleighride and Lower Sleighride was open and in excellent condition.


No Gondola line during Lunch

A quick ride on the Gondola led to Top Ridge (scraped and uneven), Uncas (ok on the sides), and a blast down the just opened Fairview with some odd beakable snow.


I made the trip back over to Burnt Ridge and spent the rest of the afternoon on Sagamore and Echo. Eventually the skies cleared and the sun came out. The view to the High Peaks was once again breathtaking. I have been looking at that view for over 25 years and I am always excited to see it.

The Cirque

The Sun and Snowmaking

The High Peaks

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Re: Gore Mtn - Saturday 1/21/12

warp daddy
Nice report and photos . I agree you never get tired of that view of the HP !
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Gore Mtn - Saturday 1/21/12

In reply to this post by x10003q
Nice report. It was one of those mornings when you needed to get out early and enjoy it. The top got skied off by about 10-10:30 AM, but skied very well before that.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Gore Mtn - Saturday 1/21/12

Very accurate trip report!

It was nice to meet you x10003q! Hope you had fun at our shindig.
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Re: Gore Mtn - Saturday 1/21/12

Powderqueen wrote
Very accurate trip report!

It was nice to meet you x10003q! Hope you had fun at our shindig.
It was nice to meet you and the others also. I did have fun up in the woods. Thanks for the invite.