Gore Paid Parking Expansion

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Gore Paid Parking Expansion

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I don't think it's just me....but the paid parking area seems to have expanded significantly---this being the first weekend that I noticed it being in effect.

I know they get some revenue from it and people are willing to pay for it, but I still felt a little salty about the size of the sliver of the upper lot still available for free.

*and another side of saltiness: seems the amount of litter under the lifts (and in gondi) is up this year. I'm chalking it up to the holiday hordes and keeping my faith in the rest of skiing humanity that it doesn't continue.
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Re: Paid Parking Expansion

MC2 5678F589
Yeah. It was definitely bigger. Eventually, that whole upper lot will be paid parking. It's the only logical progression.

Remember Gore's new slogan: "Just accept what you have, you ungrateful a-holes, or we'll make it even worse next year."

Or something like that.

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Re: Paid Parking Expansion

I noticed the shape of the paid area was different a few weeks ago. More square but with some close spots left free.  I guess it makes "sense" that that's why it was like that. Easier to expand it.

A big bank of handicap parking was up close. I wonder if it's a law that handicap has to be up front and free.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Paid Parking Expansion

Harvey wrote
A big bank of handicap parking was up close. I wonder if it's a law that handicap has to be up front and free.
We had the same discussion yesterday and came to the (completely uneducated) conclusion that NYS must require a certain percentage of parking spots be allotted handicapped relative to the number of overall parking spots (or something like that). They're never filled up or even close to it, and Gore doesn't  have a big adaptive ski program like a Pico or Winter Park. (Although I did see a blind skier at the summit the other day...)
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Paid Parking Expansion

Handicapped parking must be closest, but I don't think the number of spaces is codified. Look at the number of spaces allocated in a big Wal-Mart lot. If all parking was paid, they could charge for handicapped, but since free able bodied parking is available, the free handicapped must be available. Seems to me they just went overboard with the space allocation. It's probably safer to err on the high side and consistent with the policy stated by MattChuck!
I Think, Therefore I Ski
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Re: Paid Parking Expansion

Once the whole upper lot is paid they'll move on to paying for tables in the base lodge?

Sadly, people would pay for that privilege too.

Just because you could, doesn't mean you should....

Would sure be nice if they dumped some of that paid parking money into larger ski boxes for the gondi and shuttle buses...
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Re: Paid Parking Expansion

Do you think they'll put a credit card reader on the outhouses next?
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Paid Parking Expansion

Banned User
PeeTex wrote
Do you think they'll put a credit card reader on the outhouses next?
Hahaha ! And coin dispensed TP. Bring your own or grab some balsam.
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Re: Paid Parking Expansion

In reply to this post by PeeTex

Gore is sorta kinda run by the state
"No Falls=No Bslls
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Re: Paid Parking Expansion

h/c parking is "regulated" by the feds through ADA/ANSI as a percentage of total spaces, been awhile since I worked in NYS but I'm sure the state code and most local zoning references these as well
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Re: Paid Parking Expansion

In reply to this post by Snowballs
BTW, lately the men's bathroom at the mid station lodge smells worse that many of NYS's campgrounds pit toilets. maybe i should check behind the lodge to see if there is a pile growing quickly..
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Re: Gore Paid Parking Expansion

In reply to this post by SIAWOL
SIAWOL wrote
I don't think it's just me....but the paid parking area seems to have expanded significantly---this being the first weekend that I noticed it being in effect.

I know they get some revenue from it and people are willing to pay for it, but I still felt a little salty about the size of the sliver of the upper lot still available for free.

*and another side of saltiness: seems the amount of litter under the lifts (and in gondi) is up this year. I'm chalking it up to the holiday hordes and keeping my faith in the rest of skiing humanity that it doesn't continue.
I hope it was just a temporary adjustment for the holiday week.

As for litter under the lifts, what's the matter with these people? Sometimes I'll smoke a cigarette on the lift if I'm riding it alone, but I'll extinguish the butt and put in my pocket until I find a trash can.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Gore Paid Parking Expansion

Banned User
Agreed. Litter gets under my skin. Especially today's material, mostly plastic, lingers forever. The worst is when someone is very close to, even looking at a trash can and still throws the litter down. Makes me want to go off on them.