4E.W.D Productions wrote
Any feedback on the pictures or video?
Just had a chance to watch it.
One friend of mine is constantly busting on what he calls NYSB's obsession with snowmaking. We certainly have reported on quite a bit in the past. I do have to admit there is something I find fascinating about it. For one thing, with a solid back down - even if it's firm - there's always the possibility that ten inches of natural snow tonight will make for an awesome day tomorrow. Without it, we'd be nowhere near that.
The guys too, at least at Gore, are real solid people. They bust their butts, and they really do care about what the customers think. I rode with them one night and was really surprised at how quickly they accepted me, talked with me, hung out. Mark Kenyon, the head of the crew is a total Everest freak and loaned me his book on Mallory. I ran into him the other day and now he's going after the 46 high peaks.

Snowmaker 1
Great video NZ.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp