Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

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Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

Nicky Z
This post was updated on .
I had the awesome opportunity to get a sunrise park shoot on WIld Air last sunday. Mr. Pratt helped me organize the shoot and pull it together. We (myself and 4 of my friends/skiers) were picked up at the base at 7:15am by two partolers on sleds and pulled up to the jump line on Wild Air. They gave us laps on the jump line (about 15 or so) until the mountain opened to public. The lighting was amazing and patrol/park crew really helped out. Have a look at some of the best pictures and watch the video. Hope you Enjoy!

Henry with the backflip Henry with the Backflip
Will with the 900 Will with the Tail 900
Greg with the Mute 7200 Greg with the Mute 720
Trevor with the rodeo 360 Trevor with the Rodeo 360
Getting towed back up! Getting towed back up!

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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

bean valley
Nice video. How'd you get those 'aerial' shots? Camera-on-a-stick? Well done...
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

Nicky Z
bean valley wrote
 How'd you get those 'aerial' shots? Camera-on-a-stick? Well done...
 Aerial shots were taken from a remote control quadcopter, its essentially a drone. Glad you liked the video.
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

Benny Profane
That landing is practically in the trees.
funny like a clown
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

COOL STUFF DUDES!!  Quadcopter??  
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

Nicky Z
tjf1967 wrote
Yes, its a helicopter with 4 rotors for added stability and versatility. makes for some cool shots.
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

In reply to this post by Nicky Z
Incredibly well done!  Music, time-lapse, use of the drone.

I like it when the technology enhances the work, but doesn't dominate or become the focus.

AWESOME work buddy.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

Nice job fellas---very cool

And to think when I was a kid we used to get in trouble for building "jumps"
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

suhweeet, great skiing and camera work for sure
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

In reply to this post by Nicky Z
You, sir, are truly an artist.
If you are having fun, you are doing it right.
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

ski2moro wrote
You, sir, are truly an artist.

For all us technofile geeks, can you give us a pic of the chopper?
I had the pleasure of working with the guys who invented the rig used to do Google street view, that was one cool piece of video equipment.
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

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The drone:


"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

Link is broken
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

Nicky Z
 may be hard to see, best picture I had. GoPro is mounted to the front
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

Didn't see the pic when I first responded.
WOW - the internal controls for stabilization for that must be quite an engineering feat.
Are the motors electric or gas?
Just looking at it I have a million questions on the controls.
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

Nicky Z
DackerDan wrote
WOW - the internal controls for stabilization for that must be quite an engineering feat.
Are the motors electric or gas?
Just looking at it I have a million questions on the controls.
It has some pretty hi-tech systems in it. The NAZA flight control system and the GPS system make for an easy and fluid flight in all conditions. Battery powered motors. Battery life is around 15 minutes but sunday morning when it was -6, the battery life was about 8 minutes.
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

Yea - that makes sense, I suspected that it was a short flight time electric, battery weight would be an issue. Electric motors are easier to control. Maybe one day we will meet and I can look it over.
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

Nicky Z
DackerDan wrote
Maybe one day we will meet and I can look it over.
Well if your at Gore and see a kid flying a quadcopter around its most likely me!
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Re: Gore Sunrise Park Shoot

In reply to this post by DackerDan
DackerDan wrote
Link is broken
Link is a Facebook video of the drone. Works for me, maybe you have to be logged in to FB, or friends to see it.  I NZ sends me the code I may be able to embed.

That's another awesome still.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp