Gore's Parking Lot

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Gore's Parking Lot

Ok, weird one here.  Had errands to run in North Creek today.  Decided to run up the hill to see what they were doing at the mountain.  Noticed that Gore's main parking lot was asphalt.  Has it always been that way?  Guess I have walked to the lodge and got my feet covered in mud/sand way to many times and I just assumed it was a dirt/rock lot.  Not only that but I remember pot holes everywhere.  

Yes, I'm weird.  
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Re: Gore's Parking Lot

Gore's lot has been paved for many years I believe.

I know it was paved the last three or four times I was there in summer.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore's Parking Lot

I first started skiing at Gore in the mid 1980s and I only remember the lot being paved paved.
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Re: Gore's Parking Lot

They must just dump a ton of sand on it in the winter.  Said the same thing to my wife when she got home from work and she thought the same thing... that it was a dirt lot.  Live and learn I guess.  

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Re: Gore's Parking Lot

I wish Whiteface would pave the River lot.  The whole thing is one huge pot hole.  The pay lot is paved.
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Re: Gore's Parking Lot

It's been paves as long as I can remember. I know for a fact it was at least pave by 04/05 ish. There is always a ton of sand. Also they do have a couple dirt lots still.
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Re: Gore's Parking Lot

In reply to this post by Z
I heard they are going to pave the River lot and charge $10 to park on weekends/holidays.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp