Gore v Hunter expert trails

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Gore v Hunter expert trails

Hi all,
My son (age 13) is an intermediate skier. We were just at Hunter Mtn this past week and he skied well on Hellgate, Cliff, East side drive, also Eisenhower - all the single black diamond trails from the top. But he does not ski moguls yet. Snow conditions were good. We are going to Gore Mtn in a few weeks, how do the expert trails there compare to Hunter's difficulty?
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Re: Gore v Hunter expert trails

Welcome melodyb.

When Gore is fully open (a big) it has more terrain of all types vs Hunter.  That said Hunter is probably 100% open now and Gore might be less than 50%.

Assuming it stays cold Gore should have more single back terrain open in two weeks:

Currently Open:

Open Pit

Likely to Open: (?)

Hullabaloo and Lower Darby

It is my feeling that if conditions are good, he could probably ski most of that if he's handling single blacks at Hunter. If he like cruisers (blue) that will add a lot more.

In my experience single blacks at Hunter are pretty comparable to those at Gore. That said I don't know THAT much about Hunter, maybe someone else can confirm.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore v Hunter expert trails

In reply to this post by melodyb75
He'll certainly be fine on all of the easier single blacks at Gore from the main lifts. Sagamore, Chatiemac, Topridge, etc.
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Re: Gore v Hunter expert trails

Ethan Snow
Agreed. The single blacks at Gore are very comparable to the single blacks at Hunter. I find that Gore takes a bigger step up when you go to Double black however. Double blacks at Hunter are a little easier than those at Gore.
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: Gore v Hunter expert trails

In reply to this post by melodyb75
Have fun at Gore, and let us know how it went?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore v Hunter expert trails

Anyone that can handle the double black trails at Hunter will have no problem with the double black non-glade trails at Gore.  Westway (not yet open this yr), Clare's & Annapurna are as steep as Lies and almost twice as long (at pitch).  K-27 all moguls and similar steepness to Rumor though not as long.   2 biggest differences are density of crowd and physical beauty making Gore much more pleasant but certainly no more challenging.