Greek Peak 3/7/12

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Greek Peak 3/7/12

It was over 60 degrees at 2pm, so I put my ski pants on and walked through my office. My co-workers looked at me like I'm nuts. "YOU'RE GOING TO DO WHAT??!?!"

Took this shot at 3pm

Creamed corn was sticky where the sun shined on it, better in the shade. Conditions went from sticky to sublime in about an hour as the sun lowered in the sky.

The snow skied like buttah. Had a blast skiing into the sunset.

Skied with my neighbor and some friends from my Tahoe trip. Saw a few other friendly faces, but overall, there weren't many people there. People don't understand how good the skiing is when it warms up, except the ones who were there.

The full moon rose as I was heading out. Not bad for a Wednesday.
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Re: Greek Peak 3/7/12

Sick Bird Rider
Very nice. Good on you for getting after it on a warm weekday.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Greek Peak 3/7/12

In reply to this post by Powderqueen
  I had to fight the urge to play hooky today...big time. I got out of work at four, was sitting on 1A by quarter to five. I made one run down Fields, and hooked up with Big D. We made five or six runs together, he left, I hit Orion's, then made three more runs before.leaving. I've got to remember to look for your green helmet PDQ. Were you even wearing it today? I traded mine in for a ball cap today. Boy did GP loose a lot of "snow" since Sunday. If this keeps up, I don't think they'll last much longer. Hard to believe I was wishing I had powder baskets on my poles in VT last week.

  I think Big D and I are going to hit Platty either the 24th or 25th for the Season Passholder Weekend...if they are still open. I'm thinking of taking my Brother, a novice skier, to Platty the weekend after next. I've got two vouchers I need to use up.

  The skiing was good this evening. My favorite path down our molehill was skier's far right on Fields, quite good coverage still, followed by skier's far right on Kristie's, still virtually untouched. I almost went for a swim after my break when I hit the slush puddle at the base, I lurched forward pretty good, but caught myself. It was hard to see in the dim moonlight. I love Spring skiing, wish I could have spent the day, but we're swamped at work, I don't think calling in, then showing up sunburned, would have went over well. Zero powder day call ins this year however.
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Re: Greek Peak 3/7/12

Big D
In reply to this post by Powderqueen
Greek was awesome on Wed. 3/7/12. Ski day #19 for me (18 Greek P. and 1 Elk Mtn.). Got out on Mtn. at 9:50 am. was awesome - Bright sunshine warming up fast - 1st 2 hours was fairly firm and great loose granular, corn snow - then it got only a little mushy, but not bad... fantastic warm day. After 4pm it started to firm back up... skied with Cornhead from about 5pm to 6pm.

No increase in next years seasons pass... $325 before April 15th. Heard that a lot of seasons passholders did not pick up their passes this year... Also heard that the new fixed grip quad isn't going in - I think that was in the 5.5 million dollar range.

Skiing at Greek should be great this coming weekend.

Some pics:
Alcehmene trail early:

Mars Hill - Chair 5 triple
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Re: Greek Peak 3/7/12

Big D
In reply to this post by Powderqueen
A few more pics from 3/7/12:

Later in the day... about 4pm:

My ski quiver - bought most used from e-bay:
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Re: Greek Peak 3/7/12

Big D
In reply to this post by Powderqueen
PS: Hey Cornhead: Junior says, Hi
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Re: Greek Peak 3/7/12

Big D...U know Junior???
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Re: Greek Peak 3/7/12

looks like a great day! thoughts of gp in the spring will have me daydreaming about about herc bumps all day though....
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Re: Greek Peak 3/7/12

In reply to this post by Big D
Big D wrote
PS: Hey Cornhead: Junior says, Hi
I was thinking of someone else...he's wearing a jacket. The guy I was talking about NEVER wears a coat, ever, that I've seen, no matter how cold it is.
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Re: Greek Peak 3/7/12

Big D
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Camp: No, I don't know Junior. I think it was the end of the season at Greek 2 or 3 years ago - and Greek was able to open on Good Friday - one trail only, Odyssey which was the only one with enough snow... But the last bottom steep was melted out so they pushed a WROD of snow 4 feet wide down that last pitch... it skied well from 9:30 till 1:30 then the wrod melted out. (I actually fell off the wrod into a bunch of mud and bruised my elbow).

This guy (found out from John with the Camo pants - his name is Junior) was up on the side of mid-Odyssey with a measuring wheel measuring the length of the snow base and figuring out if it would be possible to push the remainng machine made base down to cover enough of the last section so they could open on the next day - Sat. the day before Easter - well Junior determined it was not feasible so that Fri. was the end of the season.

So I know who Junior is and I see him sometimes riding on a snowmobile checking out the mountain. I told Cornhead if he poaches a closed trail, Junior might come by unexpectedly on a snowmobile and catch him.
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Re: Greek Peak 3/7/12

HA, just was curiuos. I know JR and he couldn't catch anyone!!!! POACH away boys
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Re: Greek Peak 3/7/12

In reply to this post by gorgonzola
gorgonzola wrote
looks like a great day! thoughts of gp in the spring will have me daydreaming about about herc bumps all day though....
Dream on Gorgonzola, I'm afraid that's the only place you'll be skiing Hercules this year.
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Re: Greek Peak 3/7/12

Cornhead, I wasn't wearing a helmet (I have a green one and a black one). I was in a black softshell with a fleece beanie (black with a band of colors) and I didn't tie back my hair, so long hair flyin in the breeze. There were only 20-30 adults there, so you must've seen me. I don't think I would recognize you either.

The best snow/coverage is on Odyssey, though my favorite line was the right side of fields.
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Re: Greek Peak 3/7/12

Big D
Hey PDQ: A kind of hobby of mine is seeing what skis, people are using. If someone is coming down on a pair of old straight era skis, I notice that. If they are on twin tips, I notice that. On older 1st and 2nd generation shaped skis (like mine) I notice that. If skiers are on wider shaped skis, I notice that. Also certain skis I spot like the Volkl AC50, Volkl RTM 84, Rossignol Ti Avenger 82, Rossignol S3... etc. and the Line Prophet 90's, 100's and the new 98's.

So I did not see anyone on Wed. 3/7/12 on Line Prophet 100's - so you must have been on another pair of skis, or I missed them somehow. When I was leaving at 6:00 pm I did see a guy coming in with a pair of Prophet 100's for night skiing.