Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

They can run the lift a bit faster with conveyor loading since the skiers are moving forward when the chair picks them up.  It works well and is easy to get used to...rode one at Alta...and somewhere else too, but forget where.
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

In reply to this post by Rj1972
Rj1972 wrote
It's a shame, because chair 2 used to be one of the most diverse areas on the mountain.  It offered something for everyone--beginners, glades on Ronnies, and the experts on Atlas.

Good point. IMO, chair 4 is that area now. You have Herc, Zues, power line, and woods for the adventure. trojan for a cruzer, and that green circle thingE for the beginers.
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

snowshoe bunny
In reply to this post by Vinski
i thought someone wrote earlier that Tom Hatfield was out?
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

snowshoe bunny
If this is the quad that Doppelmayr had scoped out for Greek peak a couple years back then I bet they are glad to get it off the shelves.
Read all the reports and watched the news reports and sounds like new owners have their priorities in order...tackle the decades of deferred maintenance, watch the bottom line and not get overextended financially, improve the skiing experience (aka the mountain), and make the changes that give bang for the buck as well as improve the experience for families. They have added laser tag at the Adventure Center and opened the waterpark and Spa to the public too...finally. Still a little pricey for the waterpark, especially for families, but their are few other options in town for folks this summer unless you want to travel.
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
From The Ithaca Journal:

Big crowd at Hope Lake Lodge for Greek Peak's capital announcement.

$3M: As suspected it's a quad at 1A.

Fixed grip Doppelmayr; 2,400 pass per hour.

It'll be the main daily lift. Chairlift 1 will stay.

More details:

Greek Peak Press Conference

Yo....GREAT job writing that piece

Greek Peak is gettin their shit together folks, gonna be a great year
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

Big D
I predict, Cammo John, will be first in line, for riding up the new chairlift.
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

Big D wrote
I predict, Cammo John, will be first in line, for riding up the new chairlift.
LOL---safe bet there Big D. we need to get him on here, he's a real hoot!!!
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

In reply to this post by snowshoe bunny
Yes, I was told that Hatfield was out, and was quite surprised to see his name mentioned at the press conference.
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

So I've heard - for the past year or so - that this lift is already built and may even be sitting in a warehouse somewhere in the U.S.

Anyone know if there is truth to that?

if not - what's the lead time for building and installing a lift?

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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

snowshoe bunny
there is no way this isn't the same lift if they are talking about installation starting asap.
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

Had to go pay for my dog licenses yesterday before the cops came and took me away, whoops .....

had a very nice chat with the town clerk about our new owners at say the least people are excited in Virgil w/ all the that's goin on at GP this summer.

one thing to note is that in our local paper it stated that the new owners are taking NO SALARY/payment/hrly wage, nuttin until the place is standing on it's own two feet there's something different!!!!!
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

I think I read that they're going to start to remove 1-a this week to clear the way for the new lift.  Does it seem like they could put the old lift somewhere else on the hill or would it just not make sense given the overall condition of the lift or layout of the hill?
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

I believe 1A is shot.  I can't imagine it would be worth it to relocate it, but then again I really do not know the physical condition of that lift. It has been operated out of alignment for years, so that certainly can't be good for it.

In terms of lift 1, Hall lifts seem to run forever. My hope was that both 1 and 1A would be removed, and the new quad be located where 1 currently stands, to avoid having to skate uphill in order to get to the trails to the right of 1A.  If lift 1 is still in decent shape, they could move it to GP East.  I'm not sure why they want to keep lift 1, as they will never run it.
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

Part of what I had read in the  same article was that they were planning to run 1 only during high turnout days.  I was thinking that's pretty much how they've been spinning that lift anyway.  How long was 1a out of alignment for? I remember hearing about it but don't know the back story.
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

They'll run 1 on race days---you know the days when we can't ski one of the best trails we have

My understanding is 1A was installed too low making it out of alignment---been that way forever.

Normally I'd be all over trying to get one of these chairs, but being from 1A I want nothing to do with them. When they replace the yellow chair now that's the one I want. MANY a memory from that chair
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

I know this is a stupid question...  How did they put that lift in to where it was out of alignment and not catch things?  It's not like that stuff is a one step process.
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

If my memory serves me, I believe they decided to save a few bucks and install 1A themselves rather than use knowledgeable lift engineers.
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

This post was updated on .
I noticed that all of the chairs were removed from lift 3 (Alpha/Bunny). At first I though they might be painting them, but then I saw a stack of green Hall chairs sitting nearby. The green chairs are of the same vintage as the ones they removed, but I'm not sure where they came from. The wood slats need to be painted and they have numbers on them.

I wonder if it would have been possible to replace the chairs on 3 with the galvanized chairs from 1A, thus eliminating the need for future painting.  Of course, I'm not sure what the plans are for 1A.

On a completely different note, I'm not sure how I feel about extending a deck over the creek from Orion's.  When do they think they will be using it? It seems that our seasons go from winter directly to summer, anymore.  Maybe the owners plans to boost the snowmaking on Iliad has something to do with extending the season.
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

could it be possible that they're thinking in the future to use the base area in the summer for events where a deck like that would come in useful?  

Have they started to take 1a down?
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Re: Greek Peak Press Conference 6/13/13

Our crew will use that deck on Sundays, you can bet on that