Greek Peak---SOLD

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Greek Peak---SOLD

Have reliable information that a family from Elmira NY has purchased GP and will run the resort themselves

Out with the old management and in with the new

Here's to hoping for good things at GP

Still nothing in print, but the story should break soon.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Well that doesn't seem like the best case scenario.

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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

It may not be, but it certainly isn't the worst case. Worst case would be nothing changes and GP becomes a ghost town---not cool
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by billyymc
billyymc wrote
Well that doesn't seem like the best case scenario.
Billy or Camp.. can you tell the uninitiated (me) why this might not be the best outcome?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Harvey44 wrote
billyymc wrote
Well that doesn't seem like the best case scenario.
Billy or Camp.. can you tell the uninitiated (me) why this might not be the best outcome?
 As long as  current management doesn't have control, imo, I can't see where this would be bad. The hill has been neglected for so long that something had to be done. My understanding is that the motor on 1A is cooked, not a bad thing because the lift is junk to begin with, but just shows neglect. Prolly half doz chairs on 1 are roped off. Sunday, chair 5 opened 1 1/2 late because they needed to fix the chair. You never know what source for trail conditions to believe, call snow phone and get one answer, check their website and get another, check facebook and yet another. None of this used to happen. This all started when they built the hotel----focus has been lost. Another issue is the current owners don't ski anymore so why would they care.

Anyway, I hope all that is behind us now and PRAY that we  move forward. GP has soooooo much potentail---maybe now we'll start to see it.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Harvey -

IMO, it would have been a much better outcome if another ski area / company  had purchased Greek.  From the little bit of info that's out, what I can gather is that someone with no experience in ski resort management or the hospitality industry has purchased Greek Peak.

So that leads me to my next thought, which is to wonder if this is a crony deal?  Is the prospective buyer going to keep the Krygers on?  For all I know he and Wes are poker buddies.  Is there some behind the scenes deal being made?  What happened to all the mineral rights on the land (go look at the court documents)?  It doesn't smell good to me that someone with no prior industry involvement is buying the place.  So if the plan is to keep current management - then I don't expect much to change.  Time will tell what exactly is going on - but if this new owner is serious about making a go of the place he should hire a company that manages ski resorts and get them in place asap.

There is SO much that needs attention on the mountain - as Camp noted, the lifts are a travesty (my biggest fear is it's only a matter of time until there's a safety related incident on one).  I don't know how someone without industry knowledge could come in and get a decent handle on what's up and what's down in a short time.  

IF this deal gets approved by the bankruptcy court I fear we could find ourselves right back here in a few years.  

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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Oh boy, have to agree with Billymc that this might not be good. I heard that the Krygers were hoping for a deal with some bidding investor (s)that would allow them to remain as managers of the whole place. Apparently they would have an opportunity to repurchase stock in the place possibly. Hopefully they get the place cheap enough, say 8-10 million so they can get some loans for much needed upgrades to the hill. It sure needs it...
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

My understanding is this gent is NOT in w/ Krygers

If he is then our golden greek peak goose is cooked
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

campgottagopee wrote
My understanding is this gent is NOT in w/ Krygers

If he is then our golden greek peak goose is cooked
Camp - I hope you're right. Although that leaves me wondering obviously what the plans are to get a qualified mgmt team in place to run the mountain.

I'll reserve judgement until we get more details.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
All I know is that I'll be glad when I can ride up 1A without it stopping on avg. 3x as of recent.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by billyymc
please state your credentials or its just jipper.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

warp daddy
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Camp hope 4 everyone s sake that this new owner retains management CAPABLE of bringing GP up to standards . At a distance rhough it sure looks suspect . The fact that the outfit has zero hospitality industry mgt experience  is disturbing . it is a very co mperitve industry and one has ro believe that margins on an operation that size are sketchy at best . Lots of regional competition coupled with need for significant capital upgrades to EXCEED. Competiors infrastructure .

Hope for the best , maybe this will improve GP and help the regions economy revound , certainly hope that is the outcome !
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

  The next question is, when can I buy my season's pass, and how much will it be? I think I would have felt better if Jay, or Intrawest, or such would have purchased it, but good riddance to the Krygers, can the new owners do worse? At least they'll be alive for another season. Hope we don't lose our Whiteface discount, twas a nice perk, the Gore used to be, and Huntah for $28 didn't suck. Made the terrible conditions at home more tolerable.

  As much as I bitch about the place, I sure would miss it if it were gone, it's home, warts and all, and the season's pass was a steal, especially with the perks. Elk gets $745, and if I had to chose between the two, I'd take Greek, more variety of terrain, and chair 5!  Even when your not partying, it's great to be able access the hill remotely.  I wish the new owners well, hopefully they'll hire someone who knows how to run a ski resort.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

In reply to this post by warp daddy
I wanted to see the owner from Platty buy Greek. I agree with Warp that this not being a ski or resort types of company might have a hard time running Greek, I hope I am wrong.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

This post was updated on .
In the minority here but for the long haul I would of liked to see big al retain the place, I trust him and he's carried through according to plan - maybe not always on the timetable we'd like to see. It's easy to blame the lack of attention to the hill On the other development but what about the 2o years before that? That's the part I never got..

in my eyes as an owner the second best scenario for the long term viability of the place would be a large ski corp. I'd hate to lose the vibe of the place that drew me there in the first place and I'm concerned about my owner perks/ lift ticket transfer - remember killington?

The current situation is of concern just because of the uncertainty, time will tell. I'm all for local (ish) ownership and assuming he plans to maintain it as a resort one would think he has a game plan on getting some help managing one before making a multi million dollar investment...anyone know if he' a skier or at least a golfer?

According to google he's both
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

I know little about GP having just skied there for two days at a Pisa event ten plus years ago but a business buying a ski area with no industry exp seems like a worst case to me
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

I hope this works out for the best.  Back when I was in college GP was like the big shi= in Central NY.  I haven't been back in a very long time but wish the best and will have to see for myself in the not too distant future.
Best Wishes
Proud to call Gore My Home Mountain
Covid stole what would have been my longest season ever!
I'll be back
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

Big D
"What happened to all the mineral rights on the land (go look at the court documents)?"

From reading the court documents - previously... Big AL or G.P. Energy Associates was retaining 70% of the mineral rights to the 17 acres that encompasses the Hope Lake Lodge land/parcel.
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Re: Greek Peak---SOLD

The second I heard about the local investor, I think of Plattekill and MRG right away. It does not have to be big box management to turn Greek around and make it successful, but they sure have to do it right. A hometown mountain feel is not necessarily a bad thing.
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