Greek Peak Xmas Day 2010

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Greek Peak Xmas Day 2010

Xmas Eve Greek Peak had it's food drive where you can get a FREE lift ticket with a non-perishable food donation to the food bank. Some friends were taking advantage of this, and went very early to beat the crowds. But the crowds were unavoidable. Long lines to get lift tickets and long lift lines by mid-morning. I opted for more quiet surroundings.

On Saturday, Xmas Day, Greek Peak was only open from noon until 5pm. Not sure what they were getting for a lift ticket, but with only 5 hours of operations on a holiday, there were few crowds. All the lifts were running and they were in full operation with 25 trails and 6 more being prepped with snowmaking. Conditions were quite excellent for fast carving turns. Super caverable packed powder on every trail. Chalky in some places. Death cookies were few, but were found in just a few places. Greek Peak is in great shape for the holiday week. A little more natural snow would be nice.

The air temperature was a damp 20 degrees with a fine misty snow falling. By the 7th run I was chilled to the bone. I find it very hard to stay warm at Greek Peak with 12 minute lift rides and 2 minute fast runs, hardly enough to work up some body heat.
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Re: Greek Peak Xmas Day 2010

Actually, on GP's "free day" we got a solid 2hrs of lap time in w/o waiting once

That line for the rentals was insane!!! No??

As PDQ said, Saturday was a great cruiser day---NOBODY around and all lifts spinning. Due to fam stuff I only got 2 hrs in, but was real glad I went 'cause the snow was great!!! Skiers right (tight to the tree line) was the best snow of the day, but chair 5 was da bomb with fresh cord and my foot on the gas.

Sunday was even better---little more snow, more trails opening up and a full crew, even hooked up with Gorgonzola and son. Early A.M. provided some speed runs around chair 1----someone even poached the Olympian .

We got a good 4-6 inches over night and I'm getting reports that GP is skiing awesome and the woods are in play!!!! Still snowing here in CNY, and I'm off tomorrow---yee hah!!
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Re: Greek Peak Xmas Day 2010

In reply to this post by Powderqueen
Heard GP purchased some used snowmaking pumps from Big Tupper last year, did it help their snowmaking capabilites any?
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Re: Greek Peak Xmas Day 2010

I would say yes----there's been quite a "cloud" up there lately, even blowing in the top of the Big "O".