Half off Thursdays at Gore

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Half off Thursdays at Gore

Milo Maltbie
What's up with weekend pricing on Thursdays and Friday at Gore?  Full price and half the mountain is closed.  Are they just trying to make season passes seem more valuable?  

"Everywhere I turn, here I am." Susan Tedeschi
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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

When I saw this pricing at the begining of the year, I thought it would mean full operations Thursday and Friday and reduced operations M-W. That would then give them a gague on how extra terrain draws in more skiiers vs. cost. Shows what I know.

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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

Thats a huge operation down there.  You expect them to run then entire mountain for 600 people?  Come on be realistic.  The state of NY has put a shit ton to money down there to build the mountain.  Its time for some private business to put up some cash and start building hotels around it.  
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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

tjf1967 wrote
  Its time for some private business to put up some cash and start building hotels around it.
This would be funny if it weren't so sad.
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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by tjf1967
tjf1967 wrote
Thats a huge operation down there.  You expect them to run then entire mountain for 600 people?  Come on be realistic.  The state of NY has put a shit ton to money down there to build the mountain.  Its time for some private business to put up some cash and start building hotels around it.

Are you being just a little ironic?
funny like a clown
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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

Milo Maltbie
In reply to this post by tjf1967
tjf1967 wrote
Thats a huge operation down there.  You expect them to run then entire mountain for 600 people?  Come on be realistic.
The realistic thing is for them to continue weekday pricing on Thursdays and Fridays.

"Everywhere I turn, here I am." Susan Tedeschi
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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

Or that
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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

Is it really unreasonable of me, a New York State taxpayer and a Gore Mtn. season ticket holder to expect Gore to open as much of the mountain as possible every day?  I've skied there plenty the past 5 years, mostly during the week and I have had many conversations with people who are disgusted by the current policy and often the person I've talked with has told me that they have bought season passes to other mountains that open all of their mountains every day (of course the next thing I ask is why were they at Gore that day and usually it was because they just couldn't make the longer trip that day or they just missed the mountain they love but feel doesn't look out for them).

Honestly for me the convenience of Gore being 25 miles away drives me to buy a pass every year but I have to say that every year I am seriously tempted to try VT for a season instead.  We're talking 30 minutes traveling vs. 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. traveling but just the fact that I'm considering it should say a lot.  If I was 30 minutes closer to the VT resorts which would make it a choice of an hour either way then it would be a no brainer to me, I'd be in VT.
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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

70s Gore Kid
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Syracuse, NY
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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

70s Gore Kid wrote
Interesting follow up:  that must have been quite a rain-freeze event for almost everything, even the Gondola to be closed today.  Other mountains have about half their terrain open today:  Gore has essentially nothing.
The Gore web site at this moment shows 11 lifts running and 40 trails open.

I love when the site tells you to check back for updates. Do they even know what that word means?

"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

In reply to this post by 70s Gore Kid
Maybe it's tomorrow's report but I'm seeing 60% of Gore open. This morning it was only two lifts.  I'm guessing that was wind related not ice.  After a big storm, lift issues are more the rule than the exception.  

Of course grooming will be out until tonight, probably as late as possible. For best snow quality they probably shouldn't groom until tomorrow night. But that would be a tough sell to the public.

As predicted in the conditions thread, snowmakers are headed to the beginner and intermediate terrain: Sunway, 3B, Jamboree, and Foxlair.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

In reply to this post by Spongeworthy
I know it's been hashed out over and over but it's still annoying as all hell.  If that's their stand then they should be offering a big discount on just a midweek pass.

I was there Monday and it was great....what was open.  People keep talking about the small crowds but maybe they're small because there's no terrain open and yet they are charging high prices.

As I said, I'm 25 miles from the mountain and we usually have very similar weather and conditions where I am and the rain and warm weather really beat up the snow on my property.  I've still got 3-4 inches in the yard but that's less than half of what I had just a couple of days ago and when you walk in it the bottom is all water.  Any packed snow is now a sheet of ice as it's refreezing.  It poured all night but then changed to snow around 10 this morning, no accumulation but it looks nice and brings hopes of better things to come.  The winds have been some of the worst in the last 5 years that I have been here, I can't imagine them running any of the lifts most of today.  They say that we'll be back in the teens tonight.  I wonder if it will be worth heading over there tomorrow.
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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

It would be nice to know the real reason why Gore can't get enough people to the mountain to open it all up midweek. The pod thing is an issue, but for at least the last 10 years Gore has huge chunks of the acerage closed on many midweek days. Does the decision to not open come from local Gore management? Is it a budget problem with pressure from ORDA? Despite the fact that about 30% of Gore's visitors come from Long Island/NYC/NJ, there is zero advertising in this area. Sometimes you need to spend a little more money to get the word out. All it takes is 1 midweek visit with full price lift tickets and 1/2 the mountain open and the skiers head elsewhere.

If this was a private ski area the owners would figure out what to do to entice enough midweek customers to cover the costs and maybe make some money with the new equipment. Can anybody think of a ski area that regularly idles 2 high speed lifts midweek? Sometimes I think the ORDA Board is quite happy with Gore's status as a big day area that is cash flow positive. They do not want Gore to start ramping up to 300K-400K visitors becasue they think it might affect visits to Lake Placid.

tjf1967 - If Gore started doing 300k-400k visits you would then see some serious building in North Creek. As of now the is not much demand.
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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

I have good friends from Long Island that are avid skiers and have been to Gore a number of times. They really like Gore and really like the ski school for their kids. But neither family will plan a trip in advance early in the season due to what they consider inferior snowmaking relative to Southern VT. They will plan trips to ski Gore in Feb/March when they figure Gore will have had enough time to get the mountain open. This is separate from the mid-week issue but early season also contributes to total skier visits.

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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

In reply to this post by x10003q
People have no where to stay.  There is one place down there I would stay on vacation and unfortunatly it out of my price range.  Unless its a weekend or holiday the second homeownerrs are working.  Theya are getting minimal vacationers cause the hotels are creepy.  I have staeyed at a few.  Yeah they are creepy.  If I were a family from Albany I would drive right by to Whiteface or if I wanted a mellower mountain over to middle Vermont.

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Re: Half off Thursdays at Gore

In reply to this post by x10003q
I dont get it but I dont think you do either.  l'll leave it at that.