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Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

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Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

As a torn ACL victim myself, just wondering how you two are doing with your recoveries? I know yours wasn't a knee Harv. Hopefully we can share some turns at Greek next year Camp, if they are still in business. Harvey, I can't believe we didn't meet at Platty on St. Paddy's Day. Maybe next year there, or Gore, we will. I'll bring the Spiedies. PDQ, surprised we didn't cross paths at Greek. You did share a chair on chair 4 with my boarder buddy from Horseheads, Mark. We had just poached Arcadian Gate. I was on my coffee break. He doesn't take breaks, he's too old, he stiffens up, rigor mortis? He wanted to board in shorts this Spring at Elk, but he looked like one of Jerry's kids with his two knee braces, and is too vain. Might have left some funky tan lines. I had one on each leg from the top of my boots to the hem of my shorts from riding the lift.
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

This post was updated on Apr 14, 2012; 10:56pm.
Not bad here, in fact better than I had expected for only 3 weeks after my surgery. I've ditched the crutches and now just using a cane (when needed).

Doing my PT everyday and hope to get on my stationary bike next week then hit my Mt. bike ASAP!!!!

We will def hook up for turns next year...can't wait!!!! I already have next years skis all picked out for my return...hello HELLDORADOS
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

Sweet cane...perfect! You'll be good to go next year, hope it snows more than this year. What have you heard about Greek's financial situation?  I heard no new capital expenditures, so no new lift, what a shock.

 It's been 17 years since my reconstruction,  so far, so good. I had some issues a few years back, but all is well now. Did you get the petella graft, or do you have a piece of dead guy in you? Mine's the patella graft. My Mom is having hip replacement surgery next week. She's 84, hopefully all will go well. Her quality of life has sucked for the last half year or so. Glad to hear you're doing well. I look forward to skiing with you at Greek next year. I'm going to work on loosing a few pounds before next season. The latest flood kicked my ass, put on twenty pounds. The pool at the Y was closed for a month and a half. My goal is 200lbs, or less.

My season isn't over yet. I plan on skiing Killington next Saturday, Jay Peak Sunday. Then if anything, Tuckerman's. I attended the Time for Tuckerman's "Slackfest" last Memorial Day Weekend, and skied Tux. It was great, camping, hiking, skiing, all in one weekend. I don't know if there'll be any snow up top this year. They did get a foot last week.
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

Ended up w/ petella graft, big ole slice right up the knee ....doc tried using my hammy but I guess my muscles weren't cooperating. Everytime he tried grabbing one my muscle would contract and the lil bastad would dissapear on him, so turned a 2 hr surgery into 4...not cool, but it's over and I'm on the mend.

Not sure where Greek's $$$ is going to come from. If I remember correctly, GP has until August to find a new lender for their 30 million dollar loan that wnet down the tubes. I can't see that being easy, there's no way they made it to the black this year so getting that kind of loan from anyone with a brain will be next to impossible....maybe camo john will hook them up

Dropping weight is on my plate too. I've lost 15lbs after my surgery so I'm in the 240's and like it!!!!!! Good weight for me...hopefully I can stay there being BBQ season and all

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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

I don't like the fact my five inch long scar is barely visable now, it's like a badge of honor. Did you loose feeling on one side of the incision?  That returns to some extent. I remember the first time I knelt down on it, felt weird.
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

Yea, the entire thing is still numb. Doc told me that would come back after time. I agree, scars are cool ....chix dig 'em
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

Gunny J
In reply to this post by Cornhead
Hey I ski with two knee braces and wear shorts. I tore my Left ACL and used my patella tendon 14 years ago and have has great success and never any problems but just can drop the braces, they just add that extra protection. Last spring at Elk one ski caught in a hole created by running water and my left ski polevaulted and I am sure ,without the brace, my knee would have been damaged.
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

Gunny J wrote
Hey I ski with two knee braces and wear shorts. I tore my Left ACL and used my patella tendon 14 years ago and have has great success and never any problems but just can drop the braces, they just add that extra protection. Last spring at Elk one ski caught in a hole created by running water and my left ski polevaulted and I am sure ,without the brace, my knee would have been damaged.
No offense, I wouldn't let it stop me from skiing in shorts either. In fact, my buddy injured one knee, started wearing a brace, liked it so much he started wearing one on his good knee. Maybe he prevented injury by doing this. Sounds like it saved you. I never wore a brace after tearing my ACL. I know a patoller at Greek that wears two braces, he may have had knee replacements, I can't remember. Do you know him Camp? He's got a handlebar mustache,  skis Tigersharks. I can't remember his name.
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

This post was updated on Apr 14, 2012; 11:45pm.
In reply to this post by Cornhead
Cornhead wrote
As a torn ACL victim myself, just wondering how you two are doing with your recoveries? I know yours wasn't a knee Harv. Hopefully we can share some turns at Greek next year Camp, if they are still in business. Harvey, I can't believe we didn't meet at Platty on St. Paddy's Day. Maybe next year there, or Gore, we will. I'll bring the Spiedies...
Cornhead! (Yelled the way I yelled it at Plattekill on 3/17!) Thanks for asking.

Well... I ended up taking my ortho's advice and waited 4 weeks before doing PT.  Basically he said to think of a torn hamstring as a big cut.  He said we can't stitch it, but we want it to grow together before we start to work it and stretch it.

I started PT 4 weeks to the day after my injury. They started off pretty easy on me, but I've been going 2x a week (probably should be going 3x) and my routine is about and hour and 20 mins. Heat first, Leg lifts, exercise bikes, step, machine, biodex, ice at the end.  The leg lifts are the hardest - they look so simple and easy but are exhausting.

The guy who runs the place seems really good, but a few times I've been in late and he's not there and the kids handling me seem a little clueless. I think it's crucial to stay in touch with your own injury, don't do anything that hurts, and question the younguns.

Took a long walk with Zelda today and it felt good. I'm walking at normal speed, spinning about 20 mins a day and doing my leg lifts.  Really can't wait to get back on my bike.

I'm not nearly as down about it as I was when I posted "Done for the Season."  Still have to make a decision about my future Tele vs Alpine vs NTN vs AT.  Put my order in for a pair of custom skis with the guys at Worth, but have not decided how I will mount them.

All told things are ok. I'm committed to being a better, stronger skier next year. Being hurt sucks.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

  HARVEY ROAD!, funny we both did the same thing. I could tell everyone on the deck was looking at me thinking, "What the F is wrong with that guy?", every time I did it. Surprised you didn't hear me yelling it from the lift.   What an awesome day at Platty, sorry you couldn't ski it. Sounds like you had as good a time as possible without skiing.

  I have zero experience with pulled hammys, other than watching sports on TV. I notice they are easy to reinjure when players try to come back too soon. I guess in that respect, you're lucky it happened near the end of the season. Funny, I remember thinking, "What the hell, he's not missing much." Hard to believe I'm considering a trip to Vermont next weekend, seems like a long time since you were injured. I guess it's because I've really gotten after it this Spring and have skied quite a bit since that day at Platty.

  Sounds like you're being very diligent with your rehab, surprised you are contemplating changing your prefered method of schussing because of it. Okay, I know what Tele, Alpine, and AT are. NTN? New Telemark Norm, had to research that one. Active tele binding/boot system with step-in, release, and ski brake, correct? Learned something new today. Good luck, hope you make a full recovery, look forward to possibly meeting, and skiing, with you next season, on whatever binding system you choose for your new sticks.
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

Big D
Where's Waldo? Hey Cornhead, I don't know if you saw this pic from Sat. 3/17/12 at St. Platty's day but that is Harv in the center of this photo I took on Blockbuster during the bump contest:
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

Yep, I think we were within feet of each other that day. So relieved I didn't have to "represent" at the bump contest, I wouldn't have been a very good representative.  Looked like a lot of fun however. I remember seeing Laz fly off the trail, he rips.

I feel a little foolish planning to go to VT a week after the big dump. It's supposed to be 83 degrees tomorrow. This weekend would have been much better. If conditions are similar to last weekend, I'll be happy. I still think I may go to Tux for Memorial Day Weekend. I wonder what T4T will do for their "Slackfest"? I don't think there will be anything skiable up top by then, there barely was last year. I'd like to hike the bowl again and ski what I can. Hopefully Mr. Priebatch's body will be recovered by then, I don't want to find him. I'd still like to ski Tux at prime time, it must be quite the rush to drop in from the top. I'd be nervous the whole climb, you really have no choice once you commit to the climb but to ski down. You must feel like you are dropping off the edge of the world. Sluice got my attention, it looks so flat from Lunch Rocks, it isn't, trust me. I was never so relieved to click into my bindings in my life.
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

This post was updated on Apr 16, 2012; 12:49pm.
In reply to this post by Cornhead
Cornhead wrote
I know a patoller at Greek that wears two braces, he may have had knee replacements, I can't remember. Do you know him Camp? He's got a handlebar mustache,  skis Tigersharks. I can't remember his name.
I know who he is but that's about it. I try to keep my encounters with SP brief
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

Being friendly with SP can be beneficial, right PDQ. She's friends with one known on the net as Acid Christ. They routinely ski closed trails together. You don't get the thrill of doing something you shouldn't, but you don't have to worry about getting your pass clipped either.
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

Cornhead wrote
Being friendly with SP can be beneficial, right PDQ. She's friends with one known on the net as Acid Christ. They routinely ski closed trails together. You don't get the thrill of doing something you shouldn't, but you don't have to worry about getting your pass clipped either.
I prefer skiing closed trails with my crew
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

After 20 minutes of stretching i was able to do 3 minutes on the stationary bike....YEE FRIGGIN HA!!!! Felt dang good to feel that knee get all the way around, didn't think was ever gonna happen again.

All braces, ace bandages, crutches and my custom cane are now gone too!!!!!  Doc tells me NO brace will be needed for skiing this winter ....i hate wearing those things

Next step will be riding in the woods on my mnt bike...can't wait...maybe I should get a gun holder for it and pluck those damn woodchucks off too....John Wayne's got nuttin on me
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

In reply to this post by Cornhead
FYI for all you gimps out there. there are several great articles in the march and april issues of Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy ( WWW.JOSPT.ORG ). the march issue is all about ACL injuries and surgeries including a great 12 month rehab protocol. the april issue is even better. the article of interest is entitled Return to sport rehab for alpine skiing. it has very specific ski related exercises. it should be noted that these exercises are great for anybody recovering from any injury ( read hamstring harvey ) or for preseason conditioning. hopefully, your physical therapy is a member of APTA, the professional organization and a sports-ortho member who has access to this material. otherwise, scan the library data bases. remember, for all of us aging athletes, conditioning, both general and ski specific, is critical for both injury prevention, enhanced injury recovery, and overall skiing enjoyment. downtime is over, now start exercising. next year year is going to be a whopper of a snow season.
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

warp daddy
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Great News -------------------good on ya  and have fun with the ridin ,,   and oh btw keeping those 15 lbs you lost off is a very good thing . AND WILL DEFINITELY HELP  the knee rehab and will help endurance too if ya keep doing the exercises and moderate on the carbs abit
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

if your're smart, your next step would be riding on roads.  you kinda want to avoid any explosive, twisting movements while your soft tissue heals.....    

great work to get to this stage CampHobble-n-Bobble!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Harv, Camp, how's the rehab going?

This post was updated on Apr 23, 2012; 7:54pm.
ScottyJack wrote
if your're smart, your next step would be riding on roads.  you kinda want to avoid any explosive, twisting movements while your soft tissue heals.....    

great work to get to this stage CampHobble-n-Bobble!  
Sounds like sound advice. Biking helped with my recovery when I tweaked my bad knee several years ago. Swimming is great too, that's my preferred mode of exercise now. It's great for fat old men with bad body parts, just sayin.