Helicopter at Gore?

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Helicopter at Gore?

I saw a helicopter flying low at Gore on Friday afternoon.  It didn't look like a medical evacuation.  Any idea why?
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Re: Helicopter at Gore?

outlaw 1
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yea i saw it too, it was in the lower p lot when i left, dunno y tho
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Re: Helicopter at Gore?

a week or so ago they had one to bring some people to the top to work on the radio tower. im assuming this is what you might have seen??

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Re: Helicopter at Gore?

outlaw 1
nope not hhat 1,the 1 i saw was way smaller and silver,and speaking of helicoters did u fix the 1 of yours that i broke?
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Re: Helicopter at Gore?

The one I saw was about 3 pm and it was flying.  I think that had I seen the one Condor mentioned, I would have thought medical emergency.  
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Re: Helicopter at Gore?

I heard they were searching for snowmaking equipment.

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Re: Helicopter at Gore?

In reply to this post by ski2moro
I don't know the area at all so I could be totally wrong.  could it be utility inspection such as power lines in and around the general area?
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Re: Helicopter at Gore?

In reply to this post by ski2moro
Quick Google shows it is a state police chopper (SP suffix) possibly medical related.

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Re: Helicopter at Gore?

"Emergency Management adjusting radio communications infrastructure."
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Re: Helicopter at Gore?

Harvey44 wrote
"Emergency Management adjusting radio communications infrastructure."
That definately sounds like a conspiracy item - was the guy with the foil hat from Tbatt's post on the weather thread involved?
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