Hello! It's Octoberfest time @ the WF

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Hello! It's Octoberfest time @ the WF

Who's gonna be rocking it down in the Cloudspinner lounge?   I for one am looking forward to big improvements in there!  Looked great peaking in last sunday.

This Saturday is also the Harvest Moon!!  Great moon to burn some skis under!

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Hello! It's Octoberfest time @ the WF

Looks like your flying solo

Scotty Jack----the one man party attack   
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Re: Hello! It's Octoberfest time @ the WF

whatever campPopular!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Hello! It's Octoberfest time @ the WF

CampManCandy...get it right
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Re: Hello! It's Octoberfest time @ the WF

that post scares me in a Deliverance kind of way....
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Hello! It's Octoberfest time @ the WF

what can i say----chix dig me
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Re: Hello! It's Octoberfest time @ the WF

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
And Jay bird has a party after.  I am riding the six wheeler this year.  
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Re: Hello! It's Octoberfest time @ the WF

Noah John
That thing'll climb a tree
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Re: Hello! It's Octoberfest time @ the WF

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Is that the camp HPD took us to??? If so, cool spot  with a million dollar view
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Re: Hello! It's Octoberfest time @ the WF

In reply to this post by Noah John
we will find out.  
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Re: Hello! It's Octoberfest time @ the WF

yeah buddy!