Hey, nice new head banner

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Re: Hey, nice new head banner

witch hobble
Yeah man, ww boating.  Rte 8
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Re: Hey, nice new head banner

In reply to this post by witch hobble
witch hobble wrote
No pics.  Does that waterfall have a name?  I couldn't get much google play out of it.
I've only been over the southern shoulder on the Siamese Pond trail and a bit around Diamond brook.

There is a very cool, frontier-like quality to Bakers Mills.  Dogtown.
I don't think it has a name, probably because it's seasonal.  I love Diamond Brook and the cliffs on Diamond which you can ski to with some persistence.  The cliffs on 11th (the ones close to the trail) are awesome.

I'd be so jazzed to whack to the top of that falls when it was running.

No pics, but I snapped a crappy pic of the Bakers Mills quad:

Which drainage is the falls?  I always assumed it's the one just ENE of the one that points to the word "mountain."
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Hey, nice new head banner

witch hobble
I think it comes right down that steep face squeezed between the vertical grid line and the fold in the map, heading for the back yard of the farmhouse that camp is talkin about, which I think would be the clearing towards the eastern end of the map.

Trying to farm in that location, terrain, and climate would make most people flee for Iowa or California.  But it is beautiful!
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Re: Hey, nice new head banner

witch hobble wrote
I think it comes right down that steep face squeezed between the vertical grid line and the fold in the map, heading for the back yard of the farmhouse that camp is talkin about, which I think would be the clearing towards the eastern end of the map.

Trying to farm in that location, terrain, and climate would make most people flee for Iowa or California.  But it is beautiful!
Fun fun fantasy.

Zelda and I were talking about farming tonight.  The Harvey Farm was pretty much a bust for growing anything. Lots of rock to move, not much for soil.  There are rock walls on every property line.  She was like ... who need crops, let's raise chickens!

I'm thinkin I want an owl farm.

witch... you ever come back for a visit?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Hey, nice new head banner

In reply to this post by witch hobble
witch hobble wrote
No pics.  Does that waterfall have a name?  I couldn't get much google play out of it.
I've only been over the southern shoulder on the Siamese Pond trail and a bit around Diamond brook.

There is a very cool, frontier-like quality to Bakers Mills.  Dogtown.
No name that I'm aware of, I'm sure the locals have named it but no clue what that may be. I'll ask my cuz over the holidays to see what he may know.

Dogtown for sure!!! My G-parents property used to border their property (property sold when my grandfather passed, too much work for g-mom to take care of herself), that guy is one cool cat. Harv, you should ask him if you can tour on his sled dog trails---them things is wicked!!! We would walk them during bunny season --oh the bunnys we would get, some were as big as the beagle

Frontier town truly best describes Bakersmills. My mom (she's only 70) grew up with no phone, no tv, no running water and an outhouse. She went to a one room school house right on Edwards Hill Rd until High School, then went to the BIG school in North Creek where she graduated in a class of 13 people----how crazy is that crap!!!
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Re: Hey, nice new head banner

Camp, you're a Johnsburg peep.  You need to show Gore some love this season.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Hey, nice new head banner

We'll be up
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Re: Hey, nice new head banner

This walk down memory lane landed me on a google page showing the house my G-pop built and raised his family in. Turns out anyone can stay there......http://www.adkbyowner.com/listings/VR6266.html

place is wicked cool
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Re: Hey, nice new head banner

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
  I love Diamond Brook and the cliffs on Diamond which you can ski to with some persistence.  The cliffs on 11th (the ones close to the trail) are awesome.
Skied the NE side 2 yrs ago.......too many whippets
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Re: Hey, nice new head banner

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
who the hell painted that interior? must of been color blind.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Hey, nice new head banner

last time I was in there it was all wood----new owners screwed it all up
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Re: Hey, nice new head banner

In reply to this post by Harvey
maybe camp is related to the noted local
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Hey, nice new head banner

what you talkin bout
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Re: Hey, nice new head banner

campgottagopee wrote
what you talkin bout
I know you can't hear us Camp, as you are at Camp. But this ^^ is an honor from Gore peeps. Noted local is the tree master.

Satellite image of 11th:

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp