Hickory Ski Center, NY: 1/5/14

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Hickory Ski Center, NY: 1/5/14

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Ski Day 12: Man Hickory was good on Sunday.  Some extra photos...

I couldn't believe no one was there. After patrol, lifties, kitchen and ticket peeps, there was maybe 10 or 20 skiers.

Morning Lodge from Honey Run

The Poma 1 guy is Ronzo.  Seems to me he DIGS his job.  I think he likes launching skiers up the line.

The more skiers on the line, the less it can launch you.  With a light crowd we were getting launched pretty much every time.

We actually had one little kid that could not stick the landing on the launch and struggled to get up.

Riding up the Poma I saw fresh down the sides.  On the way down I spied a way in...

...and schnibbed it....

My tracks

The only trail that was truly functional up top was Ridge Run...

...it was loaded with great snow....

Places everywhere to make tracks... in the trees...

...down the sides...

...around the Tbar.

Tbar Pow

Man Hickory is cool.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Hickory Ski Center, NY: 1/5/14

Wanted a picture of this before I cut it off my pants:

Hickory Lift Ticket 1/5/14
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Hickory Ski Center, NY: 1/5/14

Adk Jeff
Are they not using the RFID anymore?
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Re: Hickory Ski Center, NY: 1/5/14

In reply to this post by Harvey
Old school ticket, new school wicket?

Looks like quite a day, I still need to get there but timing is tough from over here.