Hickory Ski Center Video

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Hickory Ski Center Video

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Hickory Ski Center Video

One interesting fact  regarding Hickory is that they had some of the first high speed lifts.  They have 2 detachable pomas and those can do 750 fpm which is about the speed that the AE1 ran.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Hickory Ski Center Video

NPR Morning Edition on the radio, LOL.
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Re: Hickory Ski Center Video

In reply to this post by Harvey
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Re: Hickory Ski Center Video

I've considered skiing Hickory just to ride the old surface lifts.  They are fun to ride, so you have fun going both up and down.  I say they are some of the coolest lifts out there.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Hickory Ski Center Video

I couldn't agree more re the lifts being fun to ride. It's the only ski area I can think of where the way up is actually a fun and athletic part of the experience. It definitely adds something.
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Re: Hickory Ski Center Video

Rode some fast Poma's above tree line in the alps, two thoughts occured: 1) Weird that pomas are above the chairs...normally they are down on the flats with beginners, but they make sense in the exposed, high wind areas.  Smart Euros.      2) They ran super fast....likely as fast as Hickory.  I laughed and said..."they would never have pomas run that fast in the US..... WRONG.    Hickory, I can't wait to give that a wirl.  
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Re: Hickory Ski Center Video

From personal experience these are way easier to ride on skis than on a board.  Surface lifts are particularly challenging on steep terrain.  I remember the only way to get to the summit of Jimminy was a T bar when I was a kid, and that scared us big time.  One can still ride the Poma on Snowden, and that is a treat during early season at Killington.  Thanks for posting this video, I'm definitely going to Hickory this winter!