High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

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High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

Banned User
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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

Whats next a targeting system to get snowboarders out of your way.
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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert

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Got this letter last month:

Hi Harvey,
For the ski and snowboard enthusiast, here are two new technologies they might not be able to live without, which you may want to share with your readers.  Both are backed by Google, both are available for the 2011 snow season.
echoecho - the free mobile app that helps you find friends and family members on the slopes.  Whether you’re on different mountains, different lifts or on opposite ends of the lodge, this app shows you exactly where you both are and gives directions on how to reconnect.  There's even a chat and meeting place feature that helps you select the lift or mountain where you want to meet-up next.

Recon-Zeal Transcend Goggles  -  the world's first GPS-enabled goggles for both skiers and snowboarders, recently introduced, with a  micro LCD display which appears to hang six feet in front of you and provides real time details such as speed, latitude and longitude, altitude, vertical distance, traveled, total distance traveled, temp, time, etc.

I think the are the same goggles. Couldn't tell if they want me to test them or what.  I'd break the things in ten minutes I'm sure.  Some enterprising teenager/engineer could probably use them for missile targeting.

FYI the app is free.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert

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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert

A friend of mine bought these goggles last year and used them snowcat skiing in UT.  He said it's pretty amazing to watch the information change (altitude, speed, etc) and said they are not really distracting.  He asked me if I wanted to borrow them for my annual UT trip and I passed.  
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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

Banned User
In reply to this post by Snowballs
This is really cool. I want to know more about ski goggles. I have not used these much. What material they made of?
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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

In reply to this post by Raymo40
Raymo40 wrote
Whats next a targeting system to get snowboarders out of your way.
Really?  did we jump in the "way back" machine to 1995?

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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

Look what Alta skiers have to say about snowboarders....

The best part is, probably 90% of the people the interviewed only ski 3x a year and fly in there from Texas.
And it was gaper day.
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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

Benny Profane
Well, that and some beer goggles apres ski, and I guess you're set.
funny like a clown
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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

Do they have a back up/ rear view camera?
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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

In reply to this post by tBatt
tBatt wrote
Look what Alta skiers have to say about snowboarders....
Struggling to care enough to click...  nope...  don't care...
All i care about is me and my friends - doesn't matter what you chose...  Just have fun.. and keep up...

Those goggles are awesome....   I'd love a pair just to check out..
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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

dmc_hunter wrote
tBatt wrote
Look what Alta skiers have to say about snowboarders....
Struggling to care enough to click...  nope...  don't care...
All i care about is me and my friends - doesn't matter what you chose...  Just have fun.. and keep up...

Those goggles are awesome....   I'd love a pair just to check out..
You da man DMC
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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

Benny Profane
The demographic for Alta skews big time to the older set, it seems.
funny like a clown
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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

In reply to this post by dmc_hunter
dmc_hunter wrote
Struggling to care enough to click...  nope...  don't care...
All i care about is me and my friends - doesn't matter what you chose...  Just have fun.. and keep up...
I watched it for teh funniez.

"Would you like to sign a petition to allow snowboarders at Alta?"
-"No, I'm prejudice against adolescent males"

"I just really don't like the sound it makes. 'woooshhh, wooosshhh' "

Ok, we can let this thread get back on track now.

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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

Benny Profane
"File it under BFD. Go to Snowbird."
funny like a clown
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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

that video had some funny in it, like the old angry dude struggling to pull off his ski jacket as he lamb based snowboarders!  That was funny!

I wonder like on a Super Sunday @ WF, if you setup a ban pre 1990 skis, what the reaction would be?  

Or ban rear entry boots?  

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

ScottyJack wrote
I wonder like on a Super Sunday @ WF, if you setup a ban pre 1990 skis, what the reaction would be?  

Or ban rear entry boots?  
Super Sunday's theme sometimes feels like its antique ski equipment day.  If you want to slide on old straight sticks that is fine but the bindings are pretty scary you see in the Gondola line.  Many of them have rust on them.  It's not cheaper to ski on old stuff if you end up in the ER.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: High tech ski goggles incorporate GPS, LCD display, speed, vert....

that's 4sure!  SuperScareDay!
I ride with Crazy Horse!