How many pairs of skis are in your workshops?

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Re: How many pairs of skis are in your workshops?

tBatt wrote
I seen that horsey somewhere before. TGR?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: How many pairs of skis are in your workshops?

TGR and Facebook.

and there is a picture of it on my back from the high peaks trip somewhere..
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Re: How many pairs of skis are in your workshops?

Love it

Ride 'em cowboy

what is the horse's name - wilber?
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: How many pairs of skis are in your workshops?

I'm pretty sure it has just gone by horsey.

Inspired by this video
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Re: How many pairs of skis are in your workshops?

I have 2 pairs but one pair is on the bottom of my ice fishing sled. I would like to get another pair this year though!
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Re: How many pairs of skis are in your workshops?

witch hobble
Mine are too scattered to properly document also.  

4 pair in basement: primary skis for me and wifey, last year's pairs for the kids.

2 of my older, beater pairs in attic of garage, along with 2 new (to us) set ups for the kids this season, also 5 pairs of XC skis (two for me, one for everybody else), also one very lonely and neglected snowboard.  About 7 pairs of salvaged skis awaiting architectural use.
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Re: How many pairs of skis are in your workshops?

In reply to this post by pro2860
pro2860 wrote
I have 2 pairs but one pair is on the bottom of my ice fishing sled. I would like to get another pair this year though!
Hopefully we get enough ice so we can use that sled this year!!!!!
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Re: How many pairs of skis are in your workshops?

set up the bench and remounted the new/old xc stix last night. l to r, are me, jr, mrs s, older daughter. not pictured are younger daughters and mrs snowbunski's new nordicas. time to get scrapin' & waxin' but its gonna be tough with no nhl season