How much snow does it take for a Powder day?

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How much snow does it take for a Powder day?

How much does it need to snow for you to drop everything and hit the Mt?

Different places its differnt - when I was visiting Grand Targhee they said the locals won't show for less than a foot and we had a great 10" day practically to ourselves.

Unfortunately today I'm so booked up with dreaded conf calls I can't get away.
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Re: How much snow does it take for a Powder day?

Powder day is 6 inches.

Unfortunately how much snow falls has nothing to do with when I ski. If I have a day off and I can get to a mountain with snow, I ski.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: How much snow does it take for a Powder day?

4 is enough for me to call it a pow day. If I can swing it and the base is good (ie trees will be open) I'll drop everything for 5-6 or more. We don't get enough "big" days to be picky like the peeps in WY.
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Re: How much snow does it take for a Powder day?

It's not a question of how much snow you just got rather it's a question of whether or not there are fresh tracks to be had. Powder days can extend many days beyond a snow day - you just have to know where to look.
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Re: How much snow does it take for a Powder day?

Telemark Dave
PeeTex wrote
It's not a question of how much snow you just got rather it's a question of whether or not there are fresh tracks to be had. Powder days can extend many days beyond a snow day - you just have to know where to look.
This ^^^^^ is truth.  

Though in my very spoiled world, a powder day means no touching bottom.  3d skiing vs. 2d skiing through fresh snow on a base.  Fatty rockered skis make this way easier - in a kinda backwards logic sort of way.  

"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent" Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian. He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
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Re: How much snow does it take for a Powder day?

My personal definitely is at least six inches with at least the majority of 2-3 runs being untracked, or perhaps a significant number of runs of untracked through a shot of at least some significant vertical. I'll fudge up or down depending on whether I "feel" like the day delivered on powder day status. But I usually don't fudge and try to hold the line at six inches.

The problem is different density powder can be interesting. 3" of high density can feel incredible but 3" of fluff you barely notice. Which is another reason for 6" is even light fluff will get the tips rising and at least a little bit of floaty feel.
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Re: How much snow does it take for a Powder day?

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In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
Powder day is 6 inches.
I was trying to be cute, while also referring to River's rule.

This day at Jay felt powish to me, but the mountain only called it five inches:

Matt slays this glade.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp