Hunter Mountain Opinions

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Hunter Mountain Opinions

This thread clearly had to be broken out from the Belleayre thread. Carry on.  -Harv
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Hunter Mountain Opinions

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ausable skier wrote
I would feel safer at Hunter with lots of cops around.  I've been told lots of city folk customers there ski while packing heat.  At they pack the bar at 8 in the morning.  
Yeah - all those families that Hunter has can get pretty dangerous...hhaha..

Seriously - I'm friends with a ton of Patrollers and Security..   I've asked this question and they've never encountered someone packing a handgun.  I bet there's cops that carry but my friends that are cops do not..

And the bar doesn't open until much later than 8am..

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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

Wow, I missed that AS gem.

One reason I write more TR's about Hunter than anywhere else is because it's a cool hill with the most unjustified reputation in the ski industry. But don't let any of the writing on here change your mind about Hunter... or anything!
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

Olympic Center, Lake Placid, NY

June 19, 2012 1:00 pm



A. Roll Call

B. Agenda Review

C. Approval of Minutes from December 22, 2011 Board Meeting

D. President’s Report

·       Winter Recap
·       Summer Plans


A.    Financial Report – The Bonadio Group

B.    Audit Committee Report

·       Board approval of 2011-12 audit
·       Board approval of investment report

C.    Approval of Annual Report


A.    Belleayre Report

B.    Conference Center operations and marketing report

C.    Deferred Capital Plans

D.    Resolutions

·  #262- Resolution Approving Line Of Credit With A Banking Institution
·  #263- Resolution Adopting Certain Policies And Procedures
·  #265- Resolution Approving Capital Expenditures
·  #266- Resolution Approving Policy Makers for 2012/2013

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

ausable skier
In reply to this post by ml242
ml242 wrote
Wow, I missed that AS gem.

One reason I write more TR's about Hunter than anywhere else is because it's a cool hill with the most unjustified reputation in the ski industry. But don't let any of the writing on here change your mind about Hunter... or anything!
if i get in  the waay back machine I lived in Jersey for a few years and did ski the Cats.  There was a great commercial that Windham ran back then that talked about the folks that skied at Huntah having big hair and partying hard.  It was sort of a a Jersey shore on a mountain kind of place back then and that is how I remember it.  I've heard others that like Hunter describe it as the Bronx on a hill side and that seems very apt to me after skiing there once on the weekend - also the last time I will ever ski there.  How that Hunter does not have a fatal collision every weekend is a fricking miracle.  City folk skiers, drunks, and the huge density of skiers that they have on a weekend don't make for a fun or safe mix in my book.  Its probably not bad mid week and they do make a crap load of snow because they have to.
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

ausable skier wrote
ml242 wrote
Wow, I missed that AS gem.

One reason I write more TR's about Hunter than anywhere else is because it's a cool hill with the most unjustified reputation in the ski industry. But don't let any of the writing on here change your mind about Hunter... or anything!
if i get in  the waay back machine I lived in Jersey for a few years and did ski the Cats.  There was a great commercial that Windham ran back then that talked about the folks that skied at Huntah having big hair and partying hard.  It was sort of a a Jersey shore on a mountain kind of place back then and that is how I remember it.  I've heard others that like Hunter describe it as the Bronx on a hill side and that seems very apt to me after skiing there once on the weekend - also the last time I will ever ski there.  How that Hunter does not have a fatal collision every weekend is a fricking miracle.  City folk skiers, drunks, and the huge density of skiers that they have on a weekend don't make for a fun or safe mix in my book.  Its probably not bad mid week and they do make a crap load of snow because they have to.
Another gem!
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

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In reply to this post by ausable skier
ausable skier wrote
...the folks that skied at Huntah having big hair and partying hard.
I really need to get over there...sounds like my kinda place
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by ausable skier
ausable skier wrote
ml242 wrote
Wow, I missed that AS gem.

One reason I write more TR's about Hunter than anywhere else is because it's a cool hill with the most unjustified reputation in the ski industry. But don't let any of the writing on here change your mind about Hunter... or anything!
if i get in  the waay back machine I lived in Jersey for a few years and did ski the Cats.  There was a great commercial that Windham ran back then that talked about the folks that skied at Huntah having big hair and partying hard.  It was sort of a a Jersey shore on a mountain kind of place back then and that is how I remember it.  I've heard others that like Hunter describe it as the Bronx on a hill side and that seems very apt to me after skiing there once on the weekend - also the last time I will ever ski there.  How that Hunter does not have a fatal collision every weekend is a fricking miracle.  City folk skiers, drunks, and the huge density of skiers that they have on a weekend don't make for a fun or safe mix in my book.  Its probably not bad mid week and they do make a crap load of snow because they have to.

The last time I was there I was hit by another skier three times. Saturday.
funny like a clown
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

I ski there 4 times a week usually... And I've never been hit...

not sure what makes you guys targets and not me..

I'm good friends with most ski patrollers - it's not as bad as you lay it out..  I've heard about more fatalities in NE si areas this year..  I don't think hunter had any this year..

But I know I'm wasting my breath -you guys have made up your mind and so be it...

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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

dmc_hunter wrote
-you guys have made up your mind...
Don't lump me in that group. Or ml, or X if I may be so bold. Who else has had fun at H?

Number of skiers dying at a mountain probably not the best criteria to use, if you're trying to talk bad about another mtn AS.

Benny - you were hit 3x by the same guy?!?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

In reply to this post by dmc_hunter
I have been skiing Hunter since 1972 multiple times per year. With the exception of the last few years most of my trips to Hunter have been on Sat or Sunday. I have never been hit by anybody at Hunter. Maybe AS thought DMC's photos from his excellent adventure to Gulmarg were taken at Hunter. There were so many soldiers and weapons at Hunter!

Sadly, AS, after admitting to skiing Hunter just one time, once again regales us with Hunter factoids, Norman Mailer’s term for “items of unreliable information that are repeated so often that it becomes accepted as fact.”

Benny - You need to find a better ski partner who won't hit you 3 times.  

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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
dmc_hunter wrote
-you guys have made up your mind...
  Who else has had fun at H?

I've never been but I know I would have fun.....100% 4sure
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

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Thread went off course...

who else had fun at Hunter?      I cannot even recall 1/2 the great times I have had there.      NOTE:  During weekdays.  I try to go Monday or Tuesday.  

Only skied there once on a weekend, way back in 1990.   I have one of those professional on slope photos from that day.   A nice split off a mogul...great photo, then a even greater yard sale landing.     Lost a set of Raybans on K42.    Anyone find them?    Turtle shell frames with brown lenses.  
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

Hunter is a great mountain........on a weekday.  Love the terrain, but my weekend experiences (plural, yes, a sample size of more than one day) there were all bad.  The worst of it was one Sat, my brother and I hit Westway on West.  As conditions there can sometimes be (and I'm not knocking conditions in general at Hunter, they make a ton of snow and do a good job) it was a bit hard, to downright icy.  But hey, that can be the case at any mountain.  No problemo for my brother and I.  Of course, it was a problem for the yahoos that didn't belong on West, especially given the conditions.  The Hunter weekend crowd, it seems to me, includes a lot of people skiing places they shouldn't.  Well, some idiot falls well uphill of my brother and I, proceeds to pick up speed, and barrels into my brother, knocking him down.  Both slide into the wooden slatted fence on the left edge of the trail.  My brother's ski goes between the slats, and was broken in half.  I don't think the other idiot even apologized.  That was the last weekend or holiday I ever skied at Hunter.  Like I said, my weekday experiences were never anything but good.  
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

That sucks.

I think I'd tell the guy that he just traded skis with me.

Last time I skied there on a holiday was Christmas this year. Love skiing on Xmas. Last weekend I skied there prior (midwinter) was oh...... I'm thinking 12-14 years ago. Everyone was standing around on the top of K27 looking down it and I fly by and think to myself "f these guys, I'm not even going to stop and just go for it".

Going for it meant crashing pretty hard into the first mogul (i wasn't expecting the steepness of the drop), preleasing from my rossi 7s, and going for a slide farther than I would have wanted.

I hiked back up basically to the top, dusted myself off and then ripped the line. Bruised. Bruised ego. But clearly the best skier on the mountain.

Also, I ski there pre xmas and post presidents all the time on weekends. No problems ever, I get a little nervous with my GF on Belt Parkway which can be a shitshow, but now that she's getting good enough to ski minya konka and crossover we don't have to worry about the Belt anymore. The problem is that LOTS of people ski Belt Parkway because it is the only blue off the top. I won't tell you every trick in the book but I promise that every person reading this ski messageboard in June when the forecast is going to be 95 degrees tomorrow should look to be anywhere else on that mountain. Just a tip!
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

Benny Profane
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In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
dmc_hunter wrote
-you guys have made up your mind...
Benny - you were hit 3x by the same guy?!?

No, three different skiers. Honest. And, only one apology out of three! It's as though certain actions are acceptable to a lot of people these days, like that woman I asked nicely to stop shouting into her cell phone the other day in the gym, and she proceeded to shout at me like i was the problem.

It was a sort of powder day. Extreme powder for Hunter - 6-8 inches. Lots of floundering.

Best days I ever had there was right after a major storm in, I think, 93, that shut down NYC on a Sunday, but I got up on that night watching the massive traffic jam heading south, and woke up to two to three feet of fluffy Colorado quality powder everywhere Monday morning. It continued to snow on and off that Monday a lot, so we stayed thru Tuesday. There weren't too many people, and, the quality of skier was pretty high.
You wanna know how much snow there was? You know that rocky wall to your right as you're riding the Kaatskill Flier up to the top, with a wooden fence stopping skiers from falling off of it from The Cliff run? Well, it was skiable. All you had to do was jump over that fence, which was barely visible.
funny like a clown
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

In reply to this post by dmc_hunter
The only time I skied Hunter (maybe 10 years ago?) I got hit by an out of control snowboarder and taken right off my feet on an otherwise empty trail. Not going back (unless there's a good line-up at Mountain Jam).

I'll leave it at that.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

I've never skied in the Catskills but bet I'd have more fun skiing w/ DMC @ Hunter than w/ that crank pot AS @ WF!!!

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Belleayre, the story that keeps on giving

Getting hit three times in one day sounds like a personal problem.....  I've never been hit in 33 years of skiing.  Some close calls but never been hit.  And that's saying a lot given the company I ski w/!!!!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Hunter Mountain Opinions

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Hunter is a great mountain.  That's definitely the big reason it gets so crowded.  I tend to shy away from crowds.... especially, while skiing.