Hunter Mtn, Mar 17, 2013, St Patty's Day

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Hunter Mtn, Mar 17, 2013, St Patty's Day

After a high speed run up the raceway known as the NYS Thruway we arrived at Hunter to find temps in the low 20s and a strong wind. There were some clouds but the day was mostly sunny.The skiing was groomed and fast.

Obligatory Hunter approach shot

Left to right - Kennedy Drive, Gun Hill Road, Eisenhower Drive, Racer's Edge
All have great coverage

My son flying down an empty Broadway. It was empty all day.

The Cliff

The view from the top of the Jimmie Heuga Express

The Belt Parkway - there was a huge wind blowing up the trail and all trails that faced west and northwest

At times you could go straight down parts of The Belt, JHE, Drop Off and White Cloud and not pick up any speed due the the uphill wind.

Westway (44) and Annapurna were closed. Way Out and Clair's Way and Taylor's Run were open

Clair's seems so wide open with the removal of the Z double chair

The bumps on Upper Crossover were nice and soft by midday

K27 - the bumps were a little firmer than the bumps on Upper Crossover

Standing with my "little" boy at the top

Hunter was pretty empty for a mid March Sunday. There were no lift lines and the conditions were excellent all day. Even the high traffic spots like Hell Gate were in decent shape at the end of the day. There is great coverage on the snowmaking trails. Hunter is well set for spring skiing.

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Re: Hunter Mtn, Mar 17, 2013, St Patty's Day

warp daddy
Nice report and pics ,  It is picture proof of the conditions . Glad u and your boy had a great day, making memories!!

after skiing for 3 days at Gore with me , my son and grandson hit Hunter yesterday too on thier way back to Manhattan . must have been a helluva day there he sent me his stats last nite on FB they racked up 28 runs and over 35 k in vert
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Hunter Mtn, Mar 17, 2013, St Patty's Day

warp daddy wrote
Nice report and pics ,  It is picture proof of the conditions . Glad u and your boy had a great day, making memories!!

after skiing for 3 days at Gore with me , my son and grandson hit Hunter yesterday too on thier way back to Manhattan . must have been a helluva day there he sent me his stats last nite on FB they racked up 28 runs and over 35 k in vert
It is great skiing with him again. He did not ski in high school because of basketball. Now that he is in college he is back on the boards. We also did a lot of high speed cruising. Hunter was perfect for it yesterday. The trails never got too soft but they remained free from ice and scraped granular and there was very little clumping or piles of snow. We noticed many racers making big fast arcs on the trails.
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Re: Hunter Mtn, Mar 17, 2013, St Patty's Day

I went on Saturday 3/16/13.  Never waited more than a few minutes for the Kaatskill Flyer and everything else was ski-on.  They kept the Kaatskill Flyer open till 5 which was an added bonus.  Sucks that Annapurna and Westway are closed, but wth the snow coming this week maybe that will change.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Hunter Mtn, Mar 17, 2013, St Patty's Day

In reply to this post by warp daddy
Hunter got a pretty good shot of Fresh since St. Pat's, was up there on the 21st and it was pure mid-winter conditions, they should be fine right thru Easter Week, still the best place close to the City.
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Re: Hunter Mtn, Mar 17, 2013, St Patty's Day

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by x10003q
Glad I wasn't in that pic of you and killer. Looks like a good day.
I got confused about which direction I was facing, without a shot of Bearpen as a reference...
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp