I Voted

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I Voted

do it or don't bitch
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Re: I Voted

my polling place!

WF in the background!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: I Voted

No lines........nice.  

In Md, they are around the block nearly everywhere.  Not because of Presidential race; Md is solid Dem.   Rather, we have lots of highly contested ballot measures.     Including increased gaming, gay marriage and instate tuition rates for non-US citizens.  
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Re: I Voted

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by I:)skiing
I voted. No line at ~ 4:45 in suburban Albany. Time to start drinking while I await the results . . . Beer for now, bourbon if it starts getting weird.
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Re: I Voted

I voted too, but Coach Z left MRG off the ballot!!!!
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Re: I Voted

In reply to this post by I:)skiing
I heard on the radio about huge voter lines, but here in Sandyland - aka Long Island, my polling place was a ghost town.  When I pulled up to my local elementary school (still on generator power), I had to ask someone standing nearby whether we were still voting here, because nobody was around. I hope my neighbors all came in eventually, although people are pretty preoccupied with hurricane issues right now. I even forgot about the election until last night when I heard talk about it on the car radio.  That's what 8 days of no TV or internet will do. Our power came back an hour ago, but maybe not for long with this new storm coming.
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Re: I Voted

I voted too.

I was wondering if the storm was going to change the course of the election. Whatever happens I really don't want the results to be contested. We need action.

Best to you and your family Poindexter.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp