Did a quick read of the original post I thought it was fun and creative.
My plan is different:
I would sell or lease the Ski Bowl to NYSkiBlog for $1935. This would include the land, the lift, one of the PB600 groomers, and the Ski Bowl Pump House System.
If the lift had been pillaged by snoloco, we'd install the surface lift that Laszlo bought at the Tanglwood Auction last year.
We would charge the main mountain a small fee for every gallon of water that passed through our pumping facility on it's way to the Gore reservoir. We would use this revenue to pay for electricity for snowmaking, diesel for our cat, and beer for the men in black.
Full season passes would be $399 and would include full reciprocal rights with Gore, Whiteface, Belleayre, Smuggler's Notch and Big Sky. Members of the forum would get an employee discount price of $99.
In the unlikely event that there were profits I would split them three ways between the Town of Johnsburg, Waynestock and the Ski Bowl Shareholders.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp