Interesting article on APA

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Interesting article on APA

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I saw a link to this when I clicked thru on the Tupper piece

A WF local is extensively quoted in this
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Interesting article on APA

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Re: Interesting article on APA

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by Z
Clever how those guys try to steal our park:

"A Vermonter — George Perkins Marsh (1801-1882) — is credited with crafting the theory that inspired the Adirondack Park."

(that's the article's author speaking, not the notable WF local)

I'd argue that Verplanck Colvin and his Adirondack Survey had a much greater role in inspiring the Adirondack Park.  Silly Vermonters.

Said notable WF local was also quoted extensively in this recent interesting article on the BETA trails, from the Lake Placid News:

APA hits mountain bike trails.  I really need to get back up to those BETA trails this summer.  Good stuff.
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Re: Interesting article on APA

Colvin was probably the most effective advocate for the park and there were several others before him. Although some people hate the APA and other boundaries to development, I think they are doing a pretty good job of allowing people like me to live here with the knowledge that things would have to get pretty bad before it all turned into a Jersey strip mall. We will have clean water and a beautiful place to live.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Interesting article on APA

Banned User
Some things I've read about the pre-park days that led to it's creation.......

Vast forest fires that sent smoke as far as NYC for prolonged periods.

Loss of water due to clear cutting. The Connecticut River actual ran dry one year from this. This led to concerns the Hudson could suffer the same fate and NYC water supply was in peril. Without water, things get very serious very quickly.
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Re: Interesting article on APA

Darkside Shaman
The best thing about Vermont is?

The view of The Adirondacks
Gotta go to know
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Re: Interesting article on APA

Banned User
HAHAHA !!! Take that Clayfooters !

To me, the thing that sets the ADKs above others is the vast amount of water. Lakes, rivers provide so much more than just mtns only. Time to go hit one now.....
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Re: Interesting article on APA

In reply to this post by Z
A WF local is quoted extensively and just happens to be employed by the APA as their "Spokesperson".  The APA has been vilified since its' inception by most locals who favor development. It is very interesting to now see the locals(at least in Tupper Lake) praising the APA.  Of course the Governor is ultimately calling the shots as he makes(or approves) appointments to the APA board.
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Re: Interesting article on APA

In reply to this post by Darkside Shaman
Darkside Shaman wrote
The best thing about Vermont is?

The view of The Adirondacks
or that the snow and natural tree skiing is far superior

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Re: Interesting article on APA

Darkside Shaman
skimore wrote
Darkside Shaman wrote
The best thing about Vermont is?

The view of The Adirondacks
or that the snow and natural tree skiing is far superior

You obviously haven't been skiing in the right places
Gotta go to know