Saw the snow making crew hauling guns off the mountain yesterday. Not a great PR move to have a snow mobile hauling the guns and hose off the hill in plain day light 5 at a time right under the facelift - IMO they would have been better to wait and do that in the evening or early am. It would appear that snowmaking is now over and rain is in the forecast maybe the shortest season ever at WF. Looks like golf season will start early this season.
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
snowmaking is always done at this time. its not a secret.
This post was updated on .
this is how Jay Peak is dealing with the same issue
by making more snow so that they can be assured of having a long season
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
That's pretty good stuff right there...
WF is done for the year. Heard from a solid source that pipe will be layed on Hoyt's this summer... ![]()
I ride with Crazy Horse!
Please don't toy with us!!!!! That would be freakin' awesome!
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
It's a goal, and a possibility. An optimist would say a good possibility. Initial steps are being taken. But it's not a done deal. (insert praying man emoticon here)
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
I hope so. The few times I skied that trail, I really loved it. If they could get snowmaking on it and get it open and keep it open, it would make the Lookout Mountain chair so much more useful. I could definitely see doing 4 or 5 runs on Hoyt's and Lookout Below in the mid-morning after hitting the summit for a while and then taking Wilmington back to the base for lunch. That will be great!!!
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
They will also need to do some serious trail work to clean up all the stumps and junk left on Hoyts to get it snowmaking friendly
This trail is awesome and will be a huge additon to WF if open often. ![]()
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
I've been told that it is included in the capital improvements budget for work to be completed this summer. With this winter, this economy, no spending is "done" until it happens.
Unfortunately, I have never skied it and my daughter is always asking me about it. Are there any comparables in pitch, length, her 12-year old opinion "it does not look steep". |
The closest thing to compare it to is upper cloudspin i think. A funky and changing fall line and some turns in it.
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
In reply to this post by ADKarver
My opinion is that it's very similar to Lower Skyward on steroids. Several sections with a double fall line, similar to the section of Lower Skyward between Weber's Way and Blazer's Bluff, intermixed with several sections similar in pitch, probably a little bit steeper, than the section of Lower Skyward between Blazer's Bluff and the end. It kind of goes back and forth between these two types of terrain.
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
I think its lower skyward not on steriods. its not particularly steep. the challenge is the lack of snowmaking right now.
I'd say its comparable to Wilmington Trail from Lookout Below down, only narrower and BETTER!
I love Hoyt's! Was #2 down it after last year's major March snowstorm. Got lucky. Ended up on top just when they dropped the rope. It was a hoot to pole plant past the snowboarders who were running in deep snow!! It skied off the charts. Couple great outlaw runs on that as well but that March storm last year (the Tuesday) was one I'll recall fondly when I'm sitting in my rocking chair enjoying the comfort it lends!!!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by Pants
Sorry for the confusion ... the steroids reference was to length, not pitch. It's kind of like skiing Lower Skyward four times continuously. On the subject of size, it's amazing what a difference an inch or two can make ![]() Too bad they had to shut the upper mountain lifts down, but it was still a great morning.
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!