It SUCKS being a skier in the spring

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It SUCKS being a skier in the spring

I feel like an outcast.

Everywhere I go (except for places like the nyskiblog) people are bitchin' about the snow and the cold and want to swim and get their boats out or work on their gardens or go hiking or whatever.  That's all good BUT we have a bunch of ski areas up here with 100% or close to it terrain open.  In a good year we get 4 -5 mths of skiing, that leaves 7-8 mths for everything else.

I just hate the mind set of so many people where once President's Day or the first day of spring passes it means that it's time to put away the skis and move on.  This mentality results in the mountains shutting down operations because of the lack of business.  This stinks for them and more importantly US!

I just did some research and most mountains here in the east are shutting down in the next two weeks.  Baring 70 degree temperatures I do not see conditions going from 100+ trails open to nothing.  I wish that mountains other than Killington (nothing against Killington) would at least give us die hards something to ski on.

I wish the mountains would do a better job of promoting spring skiing.  It could benefit us all.
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Re: It SUCKS being a skier in the spring

The ski areas need to make money.  I don't like end of ski season either, but I'm happy to get my bikes and kayaks out.
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Re: It SUCKS being a skier in the spring

From the looks of it, if the lift tickets were $30 like they were at Gore today, I'm sure they would be a lot busier!  Guess that's not realistic though.  
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Re: It SUCKS being a skier in the spring

Peter Minde
In reply to this post by Snowhunter
It sucks being a skier in the spring when one lives in NJ.  Harder to get out.
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Re: It SUCKS being a skier in the spring

I have 6"+ inches in my backyard. I'm 30 minutes tops from Gore but that means nothing when people down south see nothing in their backyards.  

I truly understand it all but that doesn't change my feelings.  I just want to ski longer.

And for the record, it's been COLD up on the mountains!  I skied Gore this past Tuesday and I needed my full January gear!  Not like Whiteface a few years ago when I was skiing in shorts!!!
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Re: It SUCKS being a skier in the spring

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In reply to this post by Snowhunter
Snowhunter wrote
I feel like an outcast.

Everywhere I go (except for places like the nyskiblog) people are bitchin' about the snow and the cold and want to swim and get their boats out or work on their gardens or go hiking or whatever.  That's all good BUT we have a bunch of ski areas up here with 100% or close to it terrain open.  In a good year we get 4 -5 mths of skiing, that leaves 7-8 mths for everything else.

I just hate the mind set of so many people where once President's Day or the first day of spring passes it means that it's time to put away the skis and move on.  This mentality results in the mountains shutting down operations because of the lack of business.  This stinks for them and more importantly US!

I just did some research and most mountains here in the east are shutting down in the next two weeks.  Baring 70 degree temperatures I do not see conditions going from 100+ trails open to nothing.  I wish that mountains other than Killington (nothing against Killington) would at least give us die hards something to ski on.

I wish the mountains would do a better job of promoting spring skiing.  It could benefit us all.
I'll have to second this, I couldn't have said it better.  It says in the forum rules that discussion of golf is frowned upon between November and April.  Maybe this needs to be amended to "Discussion of golf, hiking, biking, swimming and boating is frowned upon between November and April.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: I love sking in the spring

snoloco wrote
It says in the forum rules that discussion of golf is frowned upon between November and April.
snoloco gets bonus points for actually READING the forum rules.  

Truth - every rules has a specific purpose. (Some of you may see your own bad self in certain rules.)

That specific rule is about:

Seeing if anyone was paying attention
Expressing a personal opinion (moderator has to slip those in on the sly)
Trying to be fair to golfers, who, after all are people too

Back on topic - spring skiing is the best.  I guess it's human nature to move on.

But we here are not mere humans, we are skiers.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: I love sking in the spring

Benny Profane
Well, I tell ya, I finally got out for two days this weekend, (my first two days of the year, sort of), and, Killington is in superb shape. My knee works! Saturday was pretty much a 9 level spring day. A ten for me would be a foot of powder on top of that awesome base. You wouldn't even think there was skiing up there, if you were standing in Rutland. Hardly any dirt patches, yet, anywhere. Lots of grooming. Next weekend should be superb, too, looking at the forecast, and, it's the Mogul Challenge weekend, so, they'll be spending some money to keep the place skiable.
funny like a clown
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Re: I love sking in the spring

Benny Profane wrote
Well, I tell ya, I finally got out for two days this weekend...

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: I love sking in the spring

Benny Profane
Hey, thanks. How could I pass it up. Conditions are superb. And I didn't want to spend Easter with my girlfriend's family's issues.
I was fully prepared to do one run and go home. No problem. Watch for me in the mogul challenge.
funny like a clown
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Re: It SUCKS being a skier in the spring

In reply to this post by snoloco
I also think they could do a better job promoting spring skiing. It's a great time for little kids since its warm. You can also so something else in the afternoon when it gets too soft.

I few years ago I remember ski/raft weekends where you ski one day and raft the other. I'm guessing it didn't sell well or we'd still be seeing it.

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Re: It SUCKS being a skier in the spring

I'm in the minority here, but I can't stand skiing in that slow mushy crap. I do it, but much prefer mid winter snow and temps.

It's time for mnt biking, golf and blasting chucks
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Re: It SUCKS being a skier in the spring

warp daddy
ME too , i really don't like mashed or glop , i do some but hell my legs and knees are too damn VALUABLE  to risk in that chit ! otta save em for golf , biking  and hiking . its GOOOOOOD to have MANY interests and diversions.

 Im getting a mite ADD  2 day Where da hell hell is my axe ??? gotta crank some tunes this am before da gym thing ,something relaxing' all chill and mellow Like ACDC
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: It SUCKS being a skier in the spring

I love the glop when it has Rumor skiing the way it was this weekend.  I bet Hoyt's was killer on Saturday too (I skied it Friday).  Yes I prefer the deep winter storm but this is the reward for the -15 degree days with wind.  I don't want the season to end because I have foot surgery till June???
Proud to call Gore My Home Mountain
Covid stole what would have been my longest season ever!
I'll be back
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Re: It SUCKS being a skier in the spring

sudsnbumps wrote
I love the glop when it has Rumor skiing the way it was this weekend.  I bet Hoyt's was killer on Saturday too (I skied it Friday).  
yep.  hoyts was awesome on Saturday.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: It SUCKS being a skier in the spring

Wow - ScottyJack has hit the 1000+ post mark

Hoyt's was so nice Saturday.  Friday afternoon the top half was not thawed out and was a chatter fest. Much better Saturday.

What sucks about spring skiing is the variability - the weather, aspect, shade / sun all matter more - hit it too early its frozen solid and too late its mank.  I thought I was going to tear my knee apart yesterday morning at Jay Peak on the south aspects. It also makes it more rewarding when you hit it just right.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time