It's a Wrap on 2012-13

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It's a Wrap on 2012-13

We closed another great season at Whiteface this weekend.  We skied from Thanksgiving weekend to St. Patty's Day.  By the end of the season, I had to work hard to keep up with my two girls.  It was a typical Northeast ski season, Spring Skiing in January and hard-fast conditions in mid March... Again, it was great and now it is time to equipment shop; the ride home my girls told me what they needed for next equipment, outerwear, helmets, etc.
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

cool, more snow for us this week!
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

warp daddy
Yep we have a watch on for tuesday for 9-16 inches , BRING it !!!!!!
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

Sorry your done, we've got a month yet to go.
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

Skied on Memorial Day Weekend two years ago, Mt. Washington. Headed to VT Friday, hope this storm pans out! Seemed like Winter at Greek and Elk this weekend.
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

Noah John
Why would you wrap up the season in mid-March with a boat load of snow still on the mountain and a shit-ton on the way?
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

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In reply to this post by ml242
ml242 wrote
cool, more snow for us this week!

Can we get SOME snow?  Please?
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

In reply to this post by Noah John
Noah John wrote
Why would you wrap up the season in mid-March with a boat load of snow still on the mountain and a shit-ton on the way?

I just don't get this.  Several other people that post on here also were pulling the plug weeks ago.  This is the best month of the season to me.  I love corn snow, skiing in the sun, and beers on the deck afterward.  
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

Coach Z wrote
I just don't get this.  Several other people that post on here also were pulling the plug weeks ago.  This is the best month of the season to me.
I've always noticed that the 3 to 6 times on snow per year folk pack it in a week or two after Presidents weekend.  I think for many of them, there are spring activities like golf that they like more than they like skiing.  For some of them, maybe they have kids who's baseball games are starting?  All I know is, the lifts are never crowded this time of year.  Doesnt bother me a bit.
Can we get SOME snow?  Please?
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

I have noticed the same thing with golf. I think that at least 1/2 of our membership hang up the clubs after Labor Day even though we still have at least 6-8 weeks of golf left to play...
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

Noah John
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13


If nothing else I like to keep skiing as long as possible just to put off the inevitable suckfest that is the first few mtb rides of the season. they never fail to remind me that skiing, geezer hockey and drinking beer in no way, shape or form prepares ones body for any type of cycling whatsoever <insert puking smiley here>

i will finally bleed my brakes and clean/adjust the drivettrain tonight in preparation for this torture
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

In reply to this post by pro2860
I go to the bitter end of golf season as well as long as the temps are in the 40's I'm game to play

I don't teach much this time of year since my son is now done with NYSEF so I can get to ski with him.  To me this is the best part of the season and I just can't see stopping now - that was what was so painful last spring - it ended all too fast.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

So, have you explained to your offspring yet why you're depriving them of the greatest part of the ski season?
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

In reply to this post by Noah John
"It ain't over now..."

If you had told me in February I would be at Gore on my *cough* spring break, I would have given you my best John Belushi face. Now, I can't wait for next week!
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

In reply to this post by Noah John
Noah John wrote
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Hell No!!
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

warp daddy
In reply to this post by Z
Totally agree , i don't put my sticks away till it snows and i don't put my boards away till they close or the mud dont slide anymore ;)
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: It's a Wrap on 2012-13

My season in NY will most likely be over after this weekend, I go out West to extend the season for another week - easter break. When I get back I make use of the spring snow but it's a time to dawn snow shoes and micro-spikes and hike the high peaks. After that the bike comes out and I ride it until the snow comes back - usually thanks giving. Usually there is an overlap in activities on the shoulder seasons. If we have a good dump in April (and we have - remember 2000), I will return to the slopes.