Jay Peak 4/11/19

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Jay Peak 4/11/19

Took a detour on my way home from Burlington up to Jay. Hadn’t been there in many years, and it was on my to-do list this winter, just never made it up there earlier this season.  Took advantage of the opportunity of being in NoVT for business and got a awesome weather window this past Thursday...bluebird and 35...so I had to make it happen.  Actually snowed 1-2” overnight.

Is was like midwinter conditions at the start of the day

Some fun shallow pow

Lotta snow up there still

Benefits of midweek skiing

Great weather for the afternoon...corn down low, winter up top

Big Jay I think

And with that, my eastern skiing is done for this season.  One more opportunity to pull something off a bit west....we’ll see....
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: Jay Peak 4/11/19

I need to look into a Jay trip for next year I think. Those pics make me want to ski there- plus a nice hotel and water park for the rest of the family- it ought to be a no-brained for me.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Jay Peak 4/11/19

Looks real nice Mike.

I skied there once in 93. I loved it there. The trees were incredible for the 1993 east coast and the snow was very deep.

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Re: Jay Peak 4/11/19

In reply to this post by ADmiKe
Jay is the true Beast of the East.