Jay Peak Lowers Ticket Prices

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Jay Peak Lowers Ticket Prices

Jay Peak Resort announced a dramatic decrease in ticket prices Tuesday, a decision the resort made in part thanks to new revenue streams at the mountain, including The Pump House, Jay's massive indoor water park.

"Having new profit centers succeeding at the pace they are gives us the freedom to apply pricing flexibility to areas like lift tickets," Jay vice president Steve Wright said in a statement. "Skiing and riding is why we're here and it's our responsibility to make what we believe is the best mountain in the East, an option for everyone."

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Jay Peak Lowers Ticket Prices

I'm starting to get a little jaded about all this good news coming out of Jay. What's next, Hulk Hogan is going to turn chairs? They accept FutureBucks at face value? Steve Wright picks me up when I don't feel like fighting rush hour traffic?

Where does the madness end!?!?!?
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Re: Jay Peak Lowers Ticket Prices

Benny Profane
Too bad that place is in Canada.
funny like a clown
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Re: Jay Peak Lowers Ticket Prices

In reply to this post by ml242
ml242 wrote
I'm starting to get a little jaded about all this good news coming out of Jay. What's next, Hulk Hogan is going to turn chairs? They accept FutureBucks at face value? Steve Wright picks me up when I don't feel like fighting rush hour traffic?

Where does the madness end!?!?!?
LOL. I was thinking the exact same thing. Who ARE these guys?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Jay Peak Lowers Ticket Prices

I've always thought a smart business move would be a combined Whiteface/Jay Peak season pass.    Biggest vertical.  Deepest Powder...  The JayFace/WhiteJay pass!   
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Jay Peak Lowers Ticket Prices

our friends from the north are big fans of the WF.  And we know they also love JP.  Lots of northern NYer's visit both mtns as well.

Let's get this done.  Hook it up!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Jay Peak Lowers Ticket Prices

UFB. i thought i would see pigs fly and honest political debate before a ski area lowed prices. Jay Peak is the MAN.
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Re: Jay Peak Lowers Ticket Prices

I agree! Usually when a resort dumps a ton of money into improvements (on or off mountain) they raise the prices. Glad to see it go the other way. I LOVE JP... just wish it wasn't so far north. (I'm from Rochester, NY). You have to pass so many other decent places before getting there.

Do love the trees though... and the pow

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Re: Jay Peak Lowers Ticket Prices

Benny Profane
Downhill Threads wrote
I agree! Usually when a resort dumps a ton of money into improvements (on or off mountain) they raise the prices. Glad to see it go the other way. I LOVE JP... just wish it wasn't so far north. (I'm from Rochester, NY). You have to pass so many other decent places before getting there.

Do love the trees though... and the pow

Holy mackerel, you could be in SLC quicker.
funny like a clown
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Re: Jay Peak Lowers Ticket Prices

hahaha. but I'd miss out on the syrup and moose sightings!
"Smell that? Winter is coming."

SKI TSHIRTS actually about SKIING! www.downhillthreads.com